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In this section you will find summaries (some brief) of each of the 26 episodes that make up the masterpiece known as Noir . The reason some of the summaries are so brief is because there are already a few sites that offer detailed summaries of those episodes, so what's the real point of me doing one as well? ^_^ Rather, I have decided to detail each episode from my perspective as well as give a general idea to the storyline of the episode.



Episodes 1-12


Episode 1: The Maiden with Black Hands


The first episode of Noir starts of with a stunning array of brilliant music, art and action. It sees the first confrontation between Yuumura Kirika and Mireille Bouquet at an abandoned construction site in Japan, where they are suddenly attacked by men in black suits for reasons they are not currently aware of. When Mireille agrees to help Kirika, she brings Kirika back to France with her. 


Episode 2: Our Daily Bread


Kirika gets a little more settled in France with Mireille, as they are offered a task to which Mireille undertakes with Kirika under the code name Noir. They are to take out two men who have been leaking information to each other. One is from the National Armed Alliance, a terrorist group, and the other is a government official. A relatively easy task, but what is it that Kirika really feels?


Episode 3: Assassin's Game


Mireille and Kirika become aware that there is an unseen enemy out to get them, possibly the same ones who stole Kirika's memory. They stumble across this information when they are set up on an assassination task involving a corrupt businessman named Albert Dux. However, Dux was also set up by the same person. Are they all just pawns in someone else's game?



Episode 4: Sound of Waves


Now, more aware of how careful they have to be, Mireille and Kirika journey to Ulgia to assassinate the US President and four of his men where they are currently working. The President's 15 yr old daughter arrives from NY to spend time with him on her birthday, but there are some unexpected occurrences.





Episode 5: Les Soldats


Things get personal when a family that Mireille trusted is murdered when she asked them to research who Dux had been dealing with lately. However, Varnelle left behind something for her, the message written mysteriously on a wine bottle. Could this be the first glimpse of something much bigger involving their enemy? There is only one clue to who they are. A name. Les Soldats.




Episode 6: Stray Cat


On a trip to Russia to assassinate a former RGB agent (Yuri Nazerev) who now wanders the streets like a saint, Kirika unknowingly befriends his cat. She then develops an unlikely friendship with Nazerev, who is dying.  Kirika thus finds great difficulty in killing him and is even slightly hesitant. However, she completes the task, and a small glimpse of Altena is seen, her true feelings toward this event unreadable.



Episode 7: Black Thread of Fate


In an unexpected twist, on a mission to assassinate a person named Varjan, Kirika herself is shot, and she loses her I.D. Card. Unable to leave Pakistan in her condition, Mireille considers killing Kirika so she can escape herself. In the end, she decides not to and instead tries to help Kirika. However, Varjan's men capture Kirika and she is put through their abuse, but in the end she escapes with her I.D. Card.



Episode 8: Intoccabile (Act I)


Mireille and Kirika assassinate a Mafia boss and some of his men, and Don Salvotorre calls for "Intoccabile", who is really his granddaughter, Silvana Gleone. Things get complicated when Mireille realizes that she knows Intoccabile, and that Intoccabile has murdered their client and taken the contract that Mireille was seeking. To make things worse, Mireille's experience with Intoccabile when she was a child was far from pleasant.



Episode 9: Intoccabile (Act II)


Mireille and Kirika journey to Sicily to pursue Intoccabile who holds the contract. Mireille is horrified that Intoccabile remembers her, but Intoccabile sets a place for them to meet where she will have the contract. However, it is not that simple, and when they time arises, there is still fear in Mireille of Intoccabile, and were it not for Kirika, she would have been murdered by her. In the end, Mireille gets the contract which actually contains information about the Soldats.


Episode 10: True Noir


Noir is asked to take out a corrupt judge and policemen, but when Kirika and Mireille arrive at the scene, they find that half their job is already done! The Judge is then given a tip by a mysterious girl (Chloe) that Noir is after him, and when they arrive to finish the job, they walk straight into a trap! However, Chloe is also there and kills one officer, creating a diversion for Mireille and Kirika. The situation then explodes to a shoot-out, and Chloe kills the Judge, he scream causing Mireille and Kirika to rush to him, where they find him already dead. Who is this dangerous girl who calls herself "Chloe" and knows all about Noir?


Episode 11: Tea Party in the Moonlight


Mireille and Kirika meet with a Soldats man who had contacted them. He tells them that he will tell them more 3 days from now. However, when they arrive 3 days later, they are confronted by men with guns, and they kill all of them in the rain. Later, much to Mireille's shock, Chloe visits and Kirika takes a few cautious steps back. As Chloe is touching Mireille's plant, Mireille pulls out her gun. Suddenly the kettle boils, and when Kirika returns from switching it off, she offers Chloe some tea, much to Mireille's shock, but Chloe accepts. The three of them sit silently in the moonlight, drinking tea. Mireille and Kirika walk Chloe out into the street, and Chloe requests to take the fork Kirika had hidden in her sleeve. Chloe thanks them for the tea, and walks off into the darkness, while Kirika tells Mireille that the man that had contacted them before was no longer alive.


Episode 12: Assassin Training


Altena sends Chloe to the mountains to assassinate a retired General, who was once affiliated with the Soldats. Despite the fact that the General knows that Chloe has come to kill him, he invites her to go hiking with him alone. Chloe agrees, but during the hike they are ambushed by a group of men sent be a drug overload to kill the General also. Chloe kills them all extremely easily, but she tells the General she was not really saving his life, but killed all those men because killing him was her task and it was not be interfered with. Later that night, in the General's cabin, he and Chloe drink wine before Chloe gets up to kill him. Chloe returns to Altena, excited to tell her her adventures.


Proceed to Episodes 13-20

Proceed to Episodes 21-26