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Episodes 21-26


Episode 21: Morning of the Wicked Heart


Mireille quickly rushes to Kirika's side, and seeing that she is still alive, angrily asks Chloe what she thinks she doing. Chloe says that she must give Kirika the "last guidance" and that she will let Mireille know that truth about who killed her family. Mireille retorts that that she already knows that the Soldats did it, but Chloe replies that she will give Mireille the name that the assassin is now known as. Through all this, the unconscious Kirika is remembering that she shot Mireille's family and she whimpers slightly. When Chloe informs Mireille that Kirika killed her family, Mireille says she is lying. However, Kirika gets up, and Mireille stands up and asks softly whether she did it. Tears roll down Kirika's cheek and she grips the ground. Chloe then tells Mireille that Mireille was also blessed by the Holy Priest of Soldats to become Noir, but her parents wouldn't let her go so they were executed. Mireille begins trembling, just as there is a large bang behind. She turns and sees that Kirika has run off, and quickly runs after her. It begins to rain, and Chloe, still clutching Kirika's gun, says softly that she will be waiting for Kirika at the Manor. Meanwhile, Mireille runs through the streets in the rain, silently calling for Kirika. Kirika goes to the cemetery where she kills more Soldats men who attack her. When Mireille hears the gunshots, she quickly runs to the cemetery, where Kirika points a gun at her. However, she shoots a Soldats man hiding in the bush, not Mireille, before dropping the gun. She then tells Mireille that she did kill her family, and that she can't atone for it. She also reminds Mireille of her promise to kill her after finding out the truth, and insists that Mireille shoots her now. Mireille raises her gun, as Kirika closes her eyes and smiles. However, Mireille begins shaking and unable to shoot, starts to back away. Kirika opens her eyes and begs Mireille to shoot her, but Mireille says that the promise will be kept the next time they meet, without a doubt, and walks off. Kirika yells after Mireille to shoot her now, but Mireille ignores her and continues walking, and Kirika falls to the ground and cries for Mireille to kill her.


Episode 22: The End of the Road


Flashbacking to what had taken place the night before, Mireille wonders why she found it so hard to shoot. With a certain sadness, Mireille knows that Kirika won't return anymore. Elsewhere, shattered and disorientated, a solemn Kirika begins unconsciously making her way towards the Manor. However, as she is walking through the desert she collapses, and when she awakes she is in a villager's home. The villager introduces himself as Tristan and his wife as Margaret, and they provide supper and a cloak for Kirika to wear. Later, as Kirika wanders the village, everybody seems to recognize her and when she sees a little girl that closely resembles Mireille she confesses again that she killed her parents. However, the little girl states she is not Mireille and that Kirika killed because she is Noir. Surprised, Kirika looks at the girl as she runs off. When Kirika returns to the villager's home, she finds him sitting with many suited Soldats men. When they ask Victor whether he has relayed their offer to Kirika, he takes out a gun and kills them all. Kirika is shocked and when he takes her outside, the whole village bows down to her. Tristan then reveals that they are all Soldats, in favour of Altena's vision, and the men they met earlier on were those who oppose Altena. He then tells Kirika that she has to continue making her way to the Manor, and that she must leave now as more opposing Soldats are arriving tonight. His wife, Margaret, along with their dog begins leading Kirika towards the Manor. However as they are running, Kirika sees how many villagers are dying to fulfil Altena's vision, and is greatly pained. Margaret fires at a hidden man in the bush, but more start firing, causing Kirika to reach for her gun. However, Margaret jumps in front of Kirika, sacrificing herself. Realizing the evil of humanity, Kirika herself gains an evil look into her eyes, and begins ruthlessly killing all the Soldats who attacked the village. When she is finished, she continues walking towards the direction of the Manor, leaving the village behind.





Episode 23: Affection in the Story of the Remainder


Mireille sits alone in a restaurant drinking tea, and returns to her previously trashed home alone. Later as she is practicing her shooting in the sewer, she is approached by a high-ranking Soldats member with a gold cane who requests that they go up on the surface to talk. She agrees and he offers her a position among the overloads of the Soldats. However, he states that there is one condition. She has to go to the Manor and become Noir by killing either Kirika or Chloe. Of the Inner Trees (candidates for Noir), two have already fallen into Altena's hands, and the Soldats who oppose her are determined to keep the third on their side. Mireille glances around and seeing that undercover Soldats members are surrounding her, places her hand slowly inside her handbag for her gun. The Soldats man tells her that she hasn't got much choice, but he wants her reply two days from now. As he leaves, all the Soldats do as well, leaving Mireille alone on the bench. She goes home and has tea, thinking back humourlessly to the time when all three of them had tea together and how it really was a "Mad Tea Party." The next day she pays the Soldats man a visit, whom she finds out is named Remi GraiPaul. Holding a gun to his head, she tells him that he has forgotten that Soldats killed her family and that all Soldats are her enemy. However, GraiPaul tells her that that if she shoots her career will be over and he asks her, "Didn't Petier tell you? To not be like Roland Bouquet." He then tells her to answer tomorrow, and to answer carefully. When Mireille returns home, she accidentally drops the pot plant, revealing a letter place underneath. Opening it, she begins to read a touching letter that Kirika wrote to her before everything went bad. In it, Kirika tells Mireille how much she means to her, and even uses the words "daisuki na Mireille" [Mireille, whom I cherish], causing Mireille to fall to the ground and cry openly. The next day she tells GraiPaul that she will go to the Manor, but for herself, not for Soldats. After some discussion and an intense silence, GraiPaul strangely wishes her luck, and Mireille smiles. Elsewhere, Kirika has reached the Manor and is embraced by Altena.


Episode 24: Recurrence into Darkness






A small note: I have decided to separate the final two episodes of the series from the rest simply because I felt that they were two of the most important and emotionally powerful episodes. Because of that, I have detailed episode 25 and 26 almost scene by scene to try and display how beautiful they truly were. However, nothing, absolutely nothing can compare with actually watching the episodes. Without the songs playing in the background, the experience is simply not the same. Therefore, if for reason you can't get a hold of the final two episodes and can't wait any longer, I'd encourage you to play some music from the NOIR OST I, II & III while reading. In fact, I have indicated what songs play where during the last two episodes (shown in red and square brackets), in order to provide a fulfilling read as possible! However, be aware that some of the songs played in the series are actually slight variations of the ones found on the soundtracks.


Episode 25: Depths of Hellfire


Mireille has finally reached the Manor and preparing her gun, makes her way towards it.




[Insert Church] Altena tells both Kirika and Chloe that they have to prepare for the ritual and deepen the bond by ablution. [End Church] As Altena hugs them, Chloe tells her how happy she is because she was loved by Altena. Altena smiles and replies that she is too. [Insert Secret Game] Kirika and Chloe prepare for the ritual by bathing in a lake together. During this, Chloe kisses and hugs Kirika, and they get dressed in white cloth robes. Kirika looks up as Mireille arrives, and Mireille is a little taken aback by the look of evil in Kirika's eyes. Kirika raises her gun towards Mireille and Mireille does the same. [End Secret Game] Kirika says "You shouldn't have come here," before firing, starting a shoot-out between the two of them. [Insert Canta Per Me] As Kirika hides up above in a large stone monument, Mireille walks below and takes out the pocket watch. Giving it one last look, she throws it up in the air and turns, firing upwards at Kirika, who jumps down. They both land on the ground, their guns pointed at each other, as the pocket watch crashes onto the ground and opens, playing the Melodie tune. [End Canta Per Me][Start Melodie] This shocks Kirika out of her present state, and remembering Odette Bouquet's final request for her to look after Mireille and be her strength, trembles and drops her gun. [End Melodie] Elsewhere, Altena is seen, getting ready for the ritual.




[Melodie continues] Mireille softly utters Kirika's name, just as a knive slices through the air, knocking the gun out of her hand. Mireille looks up and sees Chloe standing there, [End Melodie][Insert Killing] who tells her that nobody can interrupt the ritual, even if it is "this child's friend". Chloe throws another knife at Mireille, who picks up her gun and fires. The gunshot shakes Kirika up even more, as it reminds her of the time she killed Odette. As one of Chloe's knives cuts Mireille's thigh, Mireille cries out in pain and falls, and Chloe kicks her in the face. During this, Kirika starts to cry as she remembers Odette's last words: "Love certainly can kill people, but also don't forget that hatred can never save people. NEVER!" Meanwhile, Chloe tells the fallen Mireille that her dying here is destiny, and takes out her knife and slices Mireille across the throat. [End Killing] However, just at that moment, Kirika had fired her gun, and broke the blade before it could hit Mireille. Realizing that Kirika had chosen Mireille over her, Chloe sadly asks "Doushite? [Why?]" Then, her anger taking control, [Insert Colosseum] Chloe screams that Kirika is a liar before attacking her, and they have a fight with knives. Kirika begs Chloe to stop, and drops her knife. Surprised, Chloe looks down at her knife, and unknown to Kirika, throws her fork down instead. [End Colosseum] Kirika is relieved, but Chloe turns around and charges for a stunned Mireille with her knife. Kirika screams for Chloe, and runs towards them. There is a flashback of young Chloe looking inspired by the way young Kirika killed the Bouquets, and when that subsides, [Insert Secret Game] present Chloe softly says "Noir." Kirika begins to cry as she has just killed Chloe with the fork in order to stop Chloe from killing Mireille. Mireille looks down, as Chloe collapses on Kirika, who lays her down on the floor. Elsewhere, out of the three candles that Altena is holding, one flame dies. Kirika mourns to Mireille about Chloe before placing her on a stone block, where she cries, gripping the blood-laced fork. Mireille comforts Kirika by half-hugging her, surprising Kirika. Mireille tells Kirika that it's not over yet and they have to go, and nodding, Kirika places the fork next to Chloe and walks off with Mireille, looking back. [End Secret Game][Start Kirei na Kanjou]



Episode 26: Birth


[Insert Melodie/Salva Nos mix] Kirika tends to Mireille's wounds, and smiling, Mireille remembers that the first time they met, Kirika had also tended to her. Kirika states that it seems like such a long time ago. 




GraiPaul and other Soldats men are making their way towards the Manor. [Insert Secret Game] Meanwhile, Mireille and Kirika start loading and preparing their guns, and they get ready to enter the Manor. Elsewhere, one of the nuns runs, calling for Altena, and chokes out that "Chloe was..." Altena looks at the nun, before smiling ever so slightly. Mireille tells Kirika that once they go in, there's no turning back, and Kirika, remembering how she killed Chloe [End Secret Game], replies that she won't run away anymore. [Insert Salva Nos] They make it through the field with Kirika shooting down all the nuns that jump up to attack Mireille. As they enter the Manor, Kirika yells for them to make a way if they fear the eternal darkness. Mireille and Kirika then split up and begin shooting down all the nuns that attack them. After they have slid, jumped and dodged nuns, they meet up in a room, where they place their backs to each other and circle around. Mireille feels some pieces of stone fall on her arm, and both of them leap out of the way just in time to avoid being cut up by a nun with a sword. However, Mireille lands on her injured arm, and the nun attacks Kirika, who dodges and fires at her, but there seems to be no effect. Mireille begins to fire at the nun also, and the nun turns to attack her. Despite repeated firings, the nun does not stop charging for Mireille, until Kirika throws a blade into the nun's neck. [End Salva Nos] As the nun collapses, the sword narrowly misses Mireille's head, and she sees that the nun is wearing a steel vest underneath her dress. Elsewhere, another nun expresses her concern for the fate of the Soldats to Altena, now that Chloe is dead and the remaining two have their guns directed at them. However, Altena does not seem troubled, and the nun begins to suspect that Altena has planned this from the beginning. But before she can utter anymore, Altena takes out her gun and shoots her. As Mireille and Kirika enter the room, Altena smiles and says that the ones that will overcome the trials are them. Altena fires at them, but they jump behind pillars and fire back, and Altena disappears down a secret stairway behind a stone monument.




[Insert Le Grand Retour] Mireille and Kirika follow and they find Altena with her hair out, standing in front a deep hole filled with molten lava. Altena remembers the time when she was raped by a foot soldier as a child, and begins to speak about her philosophy again. Kirika asks rather angrily what the purpose of so many people dying was. Altena replies that even Mireille's mother said this: people who lose sight of their goal from the time of conception are fools. She then goes on to say that they are then only useful to be used a sacrificial lambs for the altar, causing Mireille to charge towards Altena in anger and press her gun against her chin. Mireille screams "How could you?!!!" and begins to cry and tremble, before dropping her gun as she realizes that Altena doesn't even have the right to be killed. However, as Mireille backs away, Altena shoots Mireille twice, grazing her arm and sending her to the ground. Kirika raises her gun protectively, and Altena provokes Kirika to kill her and live on as the True Noir. [End Le Grand Retour] Kirika jumps in front of Mireille just as Altena fires, taking the bullet in the side. Mireille screams for Kirika as Kirika falls to the ground. However, Kirika pushes herself up, and charges at Altena, knocking the both of them into the hole. Mireille yells for Kirika and runs to the edge of the hole, where she sees Kirika holding onto Altena who is gripping onto the edge. Kirika says, "Sayounara, Mireille," as Altena lets go of the edge, but Mireille reaches down and grabs hold of Kirika's arm. Kirika tells Mireille to let go, but Mireille begins to cry and begs Kirika to let her help her. Seeing Mireille's tears, Kirika also begins to cry and she grabs hold of Mireille's arm. [Insert Canta Per Me] As they later exit the Manor, Mireille helping the wounded Kirika, GraiPaul and a few other Soldats men are waiting outside for them.

Soldats man: Noir?

Kirika: You're wrong.

Mireille: Open a path! If you fear the eternal darkness

(Strangely, the Soldats men clear a path for them, but as they walk past GraiPaul...)

GraiPaul: What do you plan to do now? It's not over yet.

Mireille: Well...we'll live on as what we are. That's all

GraiPaul: The world we live in is always within darkness.

Mireille: Which is why, we seek light.

Mireille and Kirika continue walking into the black night, and as GraiPaul watches them go, he gives a small smile and closes his eyes.

Kirika: Mireille...

Mireille: Nani? [What?]

Kirika: What will we do now?

Mireille: I want to return to Paris and have some hot tea. Let's talk later. How's that?

Kirika: Yea.

Mireille (giving Kirika a smile): And you'll prepare make the tea.

Kirika (returning the smile): Yea.

And the both of them limp off into the dark night, illuminated like a beacon of light. The screen dissolves to black. [End Canta Per Me] The camera shows the cracked pocket watch lying on the floor, as two gun shots sound. The first being Kirika's Beretta, and the second being Mireille's Walther. [Start Kirei na Kanjou]





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