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Copyright 2001 Dirty Lou


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Contact Dirty Lou & Fat Jose

(From Left) Dirty Lou, Fat Jose

Please send all praise & hate mail courtesy of or

And yes, Dirty Lou & Fat Jose already know they are going to hell, and it is for talking about themselves in the third person : )

About Us

Dirty Lou

Real Name: "Dirty" Lou Jackson

Birthdate: 03/21/1977

Favorite Movie: Drop Dead Gorgeous

Favorite Bands: Skinny Puppy, Velvet Acid Christ

Story: Dirty Lou is a retired pawn broker from New Jersey. He served a tour of duty in Vietnam as a Navy Seal. After things went bad with his 3rd marriage, Dirty Lou decided a life of solitude would be best. Dirty Lou currently drives a blue Ford cargo van, and picks up small children at neighborhood elementary schools. You can find him in driving around near Salt Lake City, Utah. He enjoys huffing gas, breaking bottles, and beating animals. Dirty Lou can be reached via the email address above, or by calling 1-800-666-EVIL, which by the way is his official phone sex hotline.

Fat Jose

Real Name: Jose Montoya

Birthdate: 03/13/78

Favorite Movie: Bullit

Favorite Bands: Catharsis, Earthmover, Longmont Potion Castle, Usurp Synapse

Story: Fat Jose came into the world as Jose Montoya but after a high school bet went awry which involved him having to eat deep fried butter topped with butter, Fat Jose was born. Jose enjoyed a lucrative stint as a mule for a counterfeit soup label syndicate but later spent time in the joint when he mistakingly returned one of the bogus cans of soup to the super market for the 89 cent refund. A fight ensued between him and the senior citizen cashier during which time Jose shot her point blank in the head and then continued shooting everyone in attendance until the stores isles ran red with blood. When the dust settled 76 people perished including 5 police officers and Jose's mother (cashier). Today Jose runs believe it or not a soup kitchen on the mean streets of Detroit.