agal (noun): length of cord which is used to bind the kaffiyeh to the head of the wearer, usually several loops secure it. The kaffiyeh is the head covering of the tribesmen of the Tahari, a folded, squarish cloth.
ah-il (noun): a unit of measure, the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, c. 18"; analogous to the Earth cubit; 10 ah-il equal one ah-ra
ahn (noun): the Gorean hour, of which there are 20 in a Gorean day; it consists of 40 ehn (minutes
ah-ral (noun): a unit of measure equaling 10 ah-il, or approx. 180"
Alars (noun): a nomadic wandering herdspeople well known for their skill with the axe and the Alar sword, they travel in wagons in the northern plains, but tend to camp near settlements, unlike the southern wagon people. Their Free women do not wear veils, rather simple, corded, belted, woolen, plain, widely sleeved, ankle-length dresses, tied snugly . There are few slaves in the Alar camps because they are killed by Free women. The Alars tend to be fair in complexion, blonde-haired and blue-eyed.
ale (noun): served in tankards or horns, it is one of the two favored drinks of the Torvaldslanders, the other being mead
al-ka (noun): first letter of the Gorean alphabet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'A
All Comrades (noun):a warrior society of the Kaiila tribe of Red Savages; aka the Fighting Hearts
alphabet, Gorean (noun): composed of 28 characters derived from the various alphabets of Earth, such as Greek, Roman, oriental or Cretan influences, among others.
altron (noun) : a letter of the Gorean alphabet
amomona (noun): Kaiila or Dust Leg word meaning baby or doll
amphora (noun): two handled, narrow necked vessel with a narrow, pointed base it is commonly buried overnight in the earth in a storage hole with only it's neck left above the surface; to cool certain beverages
Anango (noun): an exchange island, a free port administered by members of the Merchant Caste, located very far south of the equator, almost beyond the ken of most Goreans, close to the shore of Thassa. The jungles of its interior serve as the setting for many fanciful stories of strange races, mysterious plants and fabulous animals. The "magicians of Anango" are well known everywhere except on Anango. They speak Gorean.
ankle rack (noun): device used to lock a girl's ankles in wooden stockage. Girls who have been repeated runaways may be held in place to have their tendons cut or feet amputated.
anklet, identificatory (noun): temporary metal anklet fastened about a captured Earth girl's ankle for transportation to Gor; used in place of a collar
anteater (noun): more than six varieties inhabit the rainforests of Schendi. The great spined anteater grows to 20 ft in length and feeds on white ants or termites breaking apart their towering nests of toughened clay with mighty claws then darting it's 4 foot saliva coated tongue, drawing thousands into it's narrow tubelike mouth.
ant, marcher (noun): known in the jungles of Schendi as 'The Marchers' are these aggressive carnivorous insects. Each is about 2 inches long, with a shiny black exoskeleton and two antennae. Their name is derived from their, apparently seasonal, marches through the jungle in a single column, yards wide and pasangs in length. They may number in the millions, their path's widening to as much as 500 feet when they overtake, swarm over, and devour all flesh, living or dead, in their path. Their bite is extremely painful, but not poisonous. Their victims die from being weakened from relentless attack, being overcome until they are still.
applause (noun): as on Earth, a sign of approval; on Gor, however, it is performed by striking the right hand against the left shoulder
applelike larma (noun): single-seeded applelike fruit; a variation of the succulent juicy larma with a single seed; commonly called pit fruit.
apricot (noun): apparently identical to the apricot of Earth; references exist of the fruit being sold in marketplaces of the Tahari.
ar (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet
Ar, city of (noun): the largest, most populous, and most luxurious city of Gor. A city of lofty cylinders, spires, towers, lights, and high bridges lit by lanterns connecting many of the towers. Surrounded by great walls, it's great Gate opens onto the Viktel Aria and there are forty other gates as well.
Arani (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai
archon of records (noun): a magistrate who is a records officer for a stated district or city.
arctic gant eggs (noun): eggs of the migratory Arctic gant; when frozen, they are eaten like apples.
Aretai (noun): a major tribe of the Tahari; their vassal tribes are the Arani, Luraz, Raviri, Tajuks, Tashid, Ti, and Zevar; their war-cry is 'Aretai Victorious!"
Argentum (noun) : a city which is an ally of Ar and an enemy of Corcyrus and Cos; it is very southwest of Ar. Cladius is Ubar of Argentum. The city claims ownership of nearby silver mines that might be as rich as those of Tharna.
Argentum Road (noun): road goes from Argentum east to the Viktel Aria, which then leads south to Ar.
Aria (adjective): of Ar
armored gatch (noun): a marsupial mammal which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi
arrow, flight (noun): about forty inches in length, it is metal piled and fletched with three half-feathers from the wings of the Vosk gulls. This and the sheaf arrow is used with the gorean long bow.
arrow, hunting (noun): an arrow with a long tapering point fastened firmly to the shaft to assist in easy removal from prey.
arrow, sheaf (noun): slightly over a yard long, metal piled and fletched with three half-feathers made from the wings of the Vosk Gulls. This, and the flight arrow, is used with the gorean long bow.
arrow, Torvaldsland war (noun): dark and more than a yard long, it's shaft is an inch thick. It is piled with iron and barbed. It's feathers of the black-tipped coasting gull are five inches long, set in the shaft on three sides. The arrows are carried in a cylindrical quiver.
arrow, war (noun): the head of this arrow has an angled, wider base that is not as securely connected to the shaft; if the shaft is pulled to attempt removal, the head is more likely to break off and remain in the wound. Used by the Red Savages.
Ar's Station (noun): an outpost of the Ubarate of Ar and trading station on the south bank of the Vosk, founded four years after Pa-Kur's hordes gathered there, prior to their war against Ar. Ar's station was Ar's stronghold on the Vosk. When Cos landed at Brundisium, and moved it's forces toward Ar's Station, Ar failed to act because of political treachery. Ar's Station eventually fell to Cos. It stands at the northern terminus of the Viktel Aria which leads to Ar, also known as the Vosk Road.
arthropod (noun): a creature found in the tunnels of the Nest of the Priest-Kings. It is 8 feet long and a yard high with a multi-segmented body and 8 legs. It's eyes are on long stalks.
askari (noun): an inland word which may be translated roughly as 'soldier' or 'guardsman' (Schendi)
Askari Hodari (noun): a salute to the honor of another warrior; in Ushindi it means 'Brave Warrior' or simply 'Warrior'.
Asperiche (noun): an exchange island, a free port administered by members of the Merchant Caste, located south of Teletus and Tabor.
Assassins, Caste of (noun): the caste of those who kill for pay; exists only in Ar; their caste color is black
aulus (noun): Gorean word for flute.
Axe Glacier (noun): Glacier northeast of Torvaldsland, farthest north, in the valley of Hrimgar Mts.,between two mountains of stone.
axe, great (Torvaldsland) (noun): described as a great, curved, single bladed axe of hardened iron with a blunt hammer-like head, it is carried in a leather loop hung from a broad leather belt worn from the left shoulder to the right hip. It is fastened there by a hook, that the weight of the ax will not turn the belt, which fits into a ring in the master belt.
axe, Kurii (noun): great, double-bladed iron axe some seven or eight feet in height. The blade, from tip to tip is two feet in width. The handle is made of carved, green needle wood, round and four inches in diameter.