Download the HTML version of Picture Beads, Our Lady's Rosary Album
(donation to the Couple to Couple League requested)

beadgray.jpg (1625 bytes) Compatible with all Windows releases - capable of installing on removable drives

beadgreen.jpg (1740 bytes) Around 9.5 MB download.

beadgold.jpg (1717 bytes) Run Setup and install right from this page.

(after selecting Download-Install (below), while waiting for download to complete, you can donate to Couple to Couple League without interrupting the download
or see why I love the Couple to Couple League so much that I would request your donation).

click the picture to DOWNLOAD - INSTALL "HTML Picture Beads"
picBeadsHTML.jpg (41968 bytes)

 I am not making any money on Picture Beads.  It is just a labor of love.
Therefore, I have not purchased a
Publisher's Code Verification Certificate for
Picture Beads.
Therefore, you will get the following message when you download Picture Beads (PictureBeads.exe):
"The Publisher could not be verified.  Are you sure you want to run this software?"
Answer yes because this is the only place Picture Beads is available and you have my word that it is great software.

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