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Welcome to the League of Ancient Souls Links page. What I have tried to accomplish here is to group links according to need, such as the "Starting Out: What Every Newbie Should Know" link table and the "Class Specific" link pages. I've tried to be as comprehensive as possible, but there is bound to be missing information. If you come across such oversights please contact me. I would also like to know if you find any broken or moved links. Enjoy!

Generally Good Sites

These sites are pretty reliable for any information you may want to find, there may be gaps here and there, but each is a safe bet.

Starting Out: What Every Newbie Should Know

The ULTIMATE compilation of links for the newbie!!

Class Specific Links

No matter what the class you are looking for, you will find plenty of valuable information here, from starting guides, to strategy hints and tips

Attributes ~ Abilities ~ Skills ~ Specialization ~ AA pts

Strategies and guides for placement of start-up bonus pts, aa pts and what to specialize in. Also hints and tips on how to advance skills and what skills to concentrate on, as well as some helpful experience tables.

Spells and Research

All the information you need on spells, spell levels and spell effects. Also lists of componets for research.

Items ~ Prices ~ Equipment

Information on equipment effects, specific items, and general prices. Also links to classifieds and auction sites.

Quests ~ Armor Quests ~ Epic Quests

Some great quest databases as well as a few fantastic epic quest walkthroughs. Good armor quest component databases as well.

Faction Information

Whether you are looking to find out the basics of how faction works or how to go about improving your faction, this area is for you. Also includes a valuable KOS chart.

Maps ~ Locs ~ Zone Info

Starting Cities, binding locs, key locations in EverQuest, zone information and many many beautiful maps can be found here. Also includes an NPC database.


What level is that mob? Find it here.

Hunting Guides

Many helpful guides to hunting in Norrath. Also, using the /loc system and key locations site. (printable)

Helpful Charts and Information

Class names and titles, con messages, deities, disciplines, exp tables, kos charts, how to be a leader, mana calcs and much more!!

Tradeskills ~ Trivial Tables

Links for each tradeskill you are interested in, including recipes, prices and leveling your skills fast.

New User Interface Information

Find those new UI skins here!!! There are also info sites and forums for the use of the new UI. (Which I LOVE, hehe)

Luclin Expansion Information

Here I have included info on the Luclin Requirements, basic Luclin information as well as more advanced information such as zone maps, spell info, AA breakdowns and even armor quests.

Racial Links and Raceskills

An interesting site on dwarves including the hilarious, "How to Swear Like a Dwarf!!". Also, every tinkerer's dream: The Tinkering Compendium.

EQ Shorthand

Don't know what someone just said to you in ooc? Find out what all those chat abbreviations are here. There are also lists of emotes and commands, macros, pet commands, and even voice commands!! Also are breakdowns of class titles and what the new AA titles are. I have also included Con Message breakdowns, The /loc Guide and Ping/Trace Info.

Miscellaneous Information and Lore for Better Game Experience

Find out how to roleplay with "A Guide to Conversational Britannian", find roleplay mb's, and read the stories of fellow EQ'ers. Also find lots of other great information that will make your EQ experience more enjoyable!!

EverQuest Inspired Artworks and Screenshots

Links to BEAUTIFUL EverQuest inspired artworks as well as some very amusing and interesting screenshots sites.

Server Specific Sites

Links directly to each server's message board.

News ~ Patches ~ Official Site ~ Troubleshooting

Hehe, can I get more clear than that?


Here are links to EverQuest guilds. Read on to learn how to add your guild!!

Search Engines

Included is, one of the leading gamer's search engines.

Guild-Build Software

Want to start up your OWN guild web-site? Here are the tools you need to start.

EQ Humor and Stories

EverQuest-inspired humor from comics to cool things in-game.


Holy downloads Batman!! LOTS of stuff to enhance your EQ experience!

Spoiler Sites

Are you one of those people who reads the last page of a novel first? If so then these sites are for YOU!

Real-Life EQ Products

Extra! Extra! Get Yer EQ Merch here!!

Home| Charter| Codex| Forums| Roster| Screenshots| Links| Class Links| Tradeskills

Site designed by Menollyrain Sagiathatch, (Prexus Server). If you have anything you would like to see added to the site or encounter problems of any kind, please contact me.

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The fine print: All text on this site is copyright by the respective authors. The game, EverQuest, is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. This site is not meant to represent official EQ policy, and we are not responsible for errors/omissions that occur due to changes in EverQuest.