March 1, 2001 - Sinus infections...

Yes, I have a low-grade sinus infection. I probably have had this for weeks. My mom's entire head is swollen because she has an absessed tooth and a sinus infection. It's so bad that she's on morphine. So I told her about my how much my head hurts and how dry my nose is and how my ears are clogged and she's making me call the doctor tomorrow and go in to get a prescription for my poor nose. Pathetic, but it may get worse, which would be bad because I have work to do. WORK!!! Like tomorrow morning I have to call about this job. I've been trying to call the guy back but things have been so crazy around here. I've been in class and shooting for my television story and running around chasing equipment left behind by my partner. Yeah. Life sucks and then you die. I think my mom's in worse shape right now, despite her agreement that my day sucked. I didn't like the long ride I had to suffer to get back the left-behind equipment. At least I covered my ass.

Nothing much else is going on. I just don't feel like bitching today. Amazing.

I did well on my poetry assignment. The prof really liked the poem. Whatever. Tomorrow I have to read the poem aloud and I get graded on the reading. AUGH!!! That's not so good. I hope it goes well. I'm sick of all of this work already. I need a day off! I NEED A DAY OFF!!!

Tomorrow night will be good. I'll try to get some work done while hiding out from the parties here in the journalism school. That will be a better spot to hang out. Not so loud. Not like here. I'm at work and there are these girls waiting for cabs and they're cheering. Cheering!!! Like that is necessary!
© lily keller 2001
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