February 28. 2001 - Playing catch up

I feel like I'm always playing catch up - trying to get work done, trying to figure out what everyone else is doing. Blech. And I've been caught. Some I know found my page. It's my own fault. But said person is not going to tell because he knows I'll kill him, or at least tell a certain person that he really does like her. But yeah... that's not important to the rest of you.

The bus ride here was crazy. I spent the entire trip talking to people. Some of them were cool - the girl I spoke to on the first leg was great. She and I didn't really have much in common, but we could talk. Then there was this guy from Newfoundland who had gone to meet his fiancee in the states to get married and he had been turned back at the border. He was nineteen. And he gave up really easily. "If I can't get down there, maybe it's a sign." Okay, sure, maybe getting married at nineteen isn't the best idea, but really... one try and giving up? That's pathetic. It makes me feel sorry for the state of the world if everyone is so willing to give up. Do you think that explains the divorce rate?

The other people I spoke with were these two pilots. It was weird. They'd flown a little plane down and had to take the bus to the next airport to get home. One of them was very cute - pretty much the ideal physical type I like - and had a cute accent (French). But I met him on the bus. And despite the fact that he showed me his flight charts, which was pretty cool, he was just some random guy.

It's bad when I can't even get a small dose of unrequited love happening with thinking myself out of it in a completely logical way. Whatever happened to cute little overly romantic Leah?

Oh yeah, speaking of that, David called on Monday night again. So I called him back. I figured I owed him a five minute conversation. I got to hear about how he's moving back in with his parents. With Hilary. Sure, exactly what I'd be doing.

What does he expect me to say? I think he doesn't have any other friends! He wants to tell me all these things and I can't be happy for him because, to me, the whole situation is so ridiculous! I wouldn't have moved into his parents house with him. Okay, so I didn't like his parents, but I wouldn't have moved into my house with him either. Not that my parents would have ever allowed it, even if we were married. Especially if we were married. Blech. I can't believe the person David is. He hasn't changed period since we dated. I think I must have. Maybe that's what bothers me. He's the exact same person he always was and I don't care anymore.

Maybe I should tell my mom. She'd get a good laugh out of it. She probably needs it about now. I swear, her whole head is infected! Eye, sinuses, tooth... Toxic waste land in my mom's head. Nobody at my house is having a good time lately.

These past few days back were fun. The power went off here so we all missed the last ten minutes of Buffy and had to sit around in the dark with candles and flashlights. And do nothing, which wasn't so bad, but I'm playing catch up. As long as things go okay today and this story doesn't get delayed, things will be fine.

They'd better be fine. I don't have time to deal this week period!
© lily keller 2001
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