February 3, 2001 - I love seeing bands

I didn't get any work done yesterday. I have to start working. I keep having to remind myself I have this thesis paper to write. And yet here I am writing in my journal.

Oh well.

I slept in yesterday and it takes forever to shower these days because of the stitches (which are healing nicely actually) so I did nothing in the morning. Then I walked downtown with Chris and Jimmy. Chris wanted to drop off his film (he took photos of me hanging out my window) and then we wandered a bit. We stopped to get something to eat and decided we really should go out tonight and get something to eat since there are all these restaurants none of us have ever been to.

We got back and I did nothing in the evening, and then I went downtown to a fundraiser for campus radio. There were three bands. The first two were pretty good and they had their moments of amusement - singing a song about frosh week, for instance. Then the main act came on. They were so excellent. And Charles, the guitarist, is so cute in that scruffy band guy way that I wrote a poem about it when I got home at 3:30 am. After the band, Lisa, Catherine from the department, Louise and I went to get cheesecake and coffee to warm up. The bar had been freezing and it was snowing outside. It was really that cold, but cold enough to be annoying. And I lost my knit cap, the one that makes my head look like an acorn. Shoot. I'll have to ask my gramma for another one.

It was nice to go out and just have a good time. It was a good vibe just sitting around and hanging out. We gossiped and complained about Chris's stalker (since she's a huge annoyance to just about everyone lately) and about Brett, this idiot from journalism - there's an explanation of that here. I like having friends I can just sit around in a bar with and they don't get bored or weird about sitting there and just listening. I have to start bringing a notebook places with me. I wanted so much to write poetry while I was sitting there in the bar.

At the ball Stu said I dance like I'm alone in the room. And then he said it's supposed to be a group exercise. Is that why guys don't pick me up? Too self-absorbed. Hmm... interesting idea.
© lily keller 2001

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