February 2, 2001 - All life is chaos...

My advisor said it last week and now I know exactly what he means.

As if the past week weren't enough... My brother sick, missing class to have my silly mole removed, Jan's house getting broken into. Well, last night at work chaos reigned. The radiator broke downstairs, flooding the floor and steaming up the place to boot. Hours later it wasn't cleaned up. And it potentially wrecked that comfy old couch in the office down there. It's sad. And a toilet flooded in another building, the steam disconnected the alarm system, which made the "Trouble" alarm go off - it's such an annoying alarm. And of course, I worked through all of this.

Perhaps even weirder, though, is that David called. I admit, I called him first, which probably was a mistake. But I left a message and then went to work. He called from the phone in his house that isn't touch tone so he couldn't get through and waited for the desk to put him through. Guess where I was?

I talked to him. Just for a bit and I had to do my desk duties too. I didn't want to talk to him all that much. I just felt this sudden duty to let him know that my brother is better and out of the hospital.

The weirdest part - the desk manager's mom is visiting. She comes and the desk manager takes a dive off a curb and ends up in the hospital waiting for surgery to set the bone in her leg. I wonder if the orthopedic surgeon in the family will be doing it... I'll have to ask her when she gets back.

My mom also sent me a bizarre card about grapefruit being the same size as your brain... I don't know. I think my mom's been under too much pressure lately.

As for Jeff, well, he's still around. He sat at the table with us at dinner and when I told everyone what happened to the desk manager he was rapt. I'm good for information but not conversation. Whatever.
© lily keller 2001
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