March 4, 2001 - hmmm... life ain't so bad

I've been looking around a while
You've got something for me
I've got a brand new pair of rollerskates
You've got a brand new key

I've mentioned this song before. I just like it. Nostalgia, I guess. It's very silly. And, of course, I didn't get the sexual connotation at all when I was younger. My mom always uses to get kind of disturbed by my choice of song to sing along with in the car. I liked the most innuendo-filled songs. I still do. Though I do go for the unsubtle as well now - Your flesh is so nice by Jeff Buckley for instance.

Speaking of that (I'm reminded of David), I got a call last night from him. He called on Monday night so I called him back for a change. He is moving back in with his parents. And his girlfriend. Have I mentioned this already? Okay, I have to go check... Yes, I have. Here. He just left a message to give me the number at the house because he's apparently moved out. But I honestly don't think I want to call him and have to talk to his mom! Augh!

Anyway, that is nasty. And my mom thinks it's hilarious. She wouldn't let me move back to the house with anyone!

Went jogging last night. Well, sort of. The sinus infection I appear to be harbouring didn't make running easy. But we down to the park, which I've never been to and everyone thinks that's hilarious. So we went after dark and walked around in the snow. There are these old forts and things there so we climbed those. Chris slid down the stairs, which were sheer ice. I jumped off one of the buildings and landed on some ice and rolled down the rest of the bank. But we had fun. Jimmy, Chris and I just about always have fun. And we got back in time to see the end of Buffy (the power went out on Moday before the end), which was very cool, and I watched the movie I had to watch for my paper. Plus, I was productive yesterday and went through that pile of library books for my paper. And I learned stuff that I can use in my paper. Imagine! Research is good. :)

The park was very cool at night. Essentially you're in the woods and it's bright because the moonlight is refracting off the snow. It was cool. Surreal. Like being in a movie shot with one of those filters... dark, but not dark. And then I was walking around with my glasses purposely slightly fogged up like I was in a soft filter shot... I like pretending I'm in a movie. And the boys help - they do the silliest things - attack each other with snow, threaten to tackle me into the snow bank, and just act like movie boys. Then again, it's more like cinema verite than movies. If a documentary was made about us, it would be shot at moments like that. It's very cool.

Nothing much else is going on. Poetry class was hard on my ego (heh heh I said hard on - - sorry), but I think I mentioned that already. Oh, Jeff. After our brief encounter on Friday night, I ran into him yesterday. He came by the desk to get change when I was looking at a catalogue or something. I got away I think before he noticed me. I hope I did. I probably look like an even bigger dork for avoiding him. At dinner, he came to sit down and there was an empty seat but it was there for Chris (who was really late last night just to annoy everyone, silly boy) so he went down to the end of the table. I don't think the conversation at our end of the table was quite for him anyway - philosopher's walks, pink tights and Chris tied up and left in the closet by his roommate (his reason for being late, of course). Just our usual jokes and silliness. I don't think "I discuss politics, lots and lots of politics" Jeff would have approved. He would have tried to start another conversation or something over mine, which nobody else at that end of the table would go for.

I really would rather laugh a lot at dinner and get tickled and teased and all sorts of other things before discussing politics.

Intelligent conversation is for the birds. Not that I don't like birds.
© lily keller 2001
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