April 4, 2001

Well, things around here are bad. Chris has a girlfriend. Fine, sure, but now he's ignoring everyone and generally acting like a dork! Oh, except that I was up hanging out with Beasley and he came in with his girlfriend. *insert sarcastic tone here* They were flirty, fine, but they were saying nasty things about Beasley and I's usual snuggle. They found his watergun and Chris attacked me with it, and I didn't really care that much. Woo hoo they squirted me. It's water, and I'm wearing the impervious nylon skirt. Yay.

The neverending paper is getting kind of harsh. I just need to finish! It's hard to finish when your prof keeps suggesting rewrites!

I finished a good chunk of the work I had to get done today though. I wrote my test, sent in an assignment, wrote a yearbook write up, picked up my photos at the developpers (a cute one of Luce and I when we were drinking) and just generally got silly things done. Like writing in my real journal about Phil and I... oh yeah.

Phil and I are going out on Saturday. I'm a little excited. Actually, it's getting me through the day at this point. I really want to see him to figure out what's going to happen. I think that's a reasonable thing to want. Some closure, in a way, so I know where this relationship thinks it's going before I head home for the summer. I don't know if there's anything to begin at this point, not with the way my summer's going to be (ie busy) but I guess we'll see. We can conduct some kind of relationship over email and by snail mail but I don't think it would be terribly romantic. Actually, it would be terribly romantic to get weekly love letters. Sigh. I'm such an old-fashioned romantic. I would be happy getting weekly love letters. That's where David never came through.
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