June 6, 2001

I've almost finished packing. It's some kind of miracle. I have some ironing, some things to put into bags, but mostly, it's done. I didn't think it would ever get done. And now I just have to put everything else that's going to Halifax together and make it look neat so my mom doesn't have a heart attack if she tries to clean my room.

Last night, I got my unofficial birthday dinner. Essentially, I got to pick the food and we bought a cake from the bakery. It was gourmet, but Mom and I screwed up. We decided to have grilled shrimp with a chili-lime sauce and a salad with goat cheese and potato pancakes. The salad was awesome. The sauce for the shrimp... well... the grocery store didn't have any chilis. But they had these other peppers so we bought two of those and I chopped them up and put them in the sauce and pureed. It almost knocked me over. I was hacking from the spray getting in my face, and then my nose started to burn. Apparently, scotch bonnets are as hot (or hotter) than Jamaican hots. Eek. Oops. So my dad loved the sauce, and ate it despite his nose and eyes running. I had a tiny bit. The pepper juice got under my thumbnail and it still burns. Ouch.

Yeah, that wasn't very smart. But the shrimp were great without the sauce and we had a nice dinner.

Tomorrow night I'm going to see Shrek with Dee. I'm excited. Everyone's being saying how great it is. Dee wanted to see Moulin Rouge but I'm not in the mood for that kind of movie. Shrek with some starburst will be a nice end to my time here. I think on Friday I might go see some plays by the theatre company I used to belong to when I was a kid. The director's still going, despite being a grandma now. She's a crazy lady, and the first person I knew who had naked pictures on the wall. Not of herself, of course, but some really nice paintings. And a really cool huge self-portrait of a local artist I'm a big fan of that shows him drawing his name on a canvas from being. It's self-indulgent and sarcastic and everything a self-portrait should be. I may end up ditching Dee on Friday night, but that's fine with me. Maybe my mom will go. It'll be a nice trip down memory lane.

I got my bank stuff today. It's weird. I have an essentially empty account. I should put some cash in it. If I had any cash, I'd put some in it. I suppose I could write a check from my other account. That would work.

Money is so weird, when you start thinking about it.

Now that, that was a brilliant insight. I think I'll let this be done. I'm getting tired. And I wasn't really gung-ho on writing in the first place.

Night night.
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