January 9, 2001

This is the beginning.

It sounds ominous, but I think I mean it to. I'm writing a web-based journal. It's like putting yourself on display. Of course, I have some choice of just what I put on display, but I think that's the point.

I'm really doing this to learn. What? Well, about the internet (I've never built a webpage before and am interested in trying) and about myself. I want to see how people react to me for a change. I usually just write in my nice safe little book and no one reads it. I don't let them! But it's an attempt on my part to let some people who aren't involved with my life to see what I'm all about.

You see, this has been inspired by some of the really slick sites I've been looking at with online journals. I find the whole idea fascinating and I've decided to start contributing. I realise that there is upkeep... oh dear, the upkeep. But it should be fun, or at least I hope it will be. I just hope my friends don't mind that I plan on telling all about them on the Internet depending on my whims.

Ssh. That's a secret.
© lily keller 2001

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