January 10, 2001

It's the middle of the afternoon and it's already one hell of a day. I found someone to interview for my voice report for tomorrow, but I can't get a hold of them until later this evening. And I paid out $6 bucks at the library for books delivered from other schools (try a five hour drive away!) and for a small fine I'd built up last term because I forgot to return a book. And I needed that book but I forgot to renew it.

Silly me. They need to mark the dates on library books more clearly.

I don't think I'm going to like Wednesdays very much. They're kind of exhausting. I have class in the morning for two hours and then I have a break to eat lunch. Creative writing is just after lunch and then its off to history - half way back across the campus in five minutes. It's not easy. But the classes are both worth it. Creative writing is kind of fun but this girl in the class, who I ran into last year in a different class, is really over-enthusiastic and talks too much. She did it in the other class too so I'm not surprised. And she's probably really nice, but she admitted today that she'd been brought up in an anarchist hippie colony and had caught on fire when she was five and those were the big influences on her poetry. Mine is water, since I grew up surrounded by it in the landscape and in everything else - working as a lifeguard, Dad coaching swim team, swimming myself and sailing, and canoeing. The Canadian cliche, right? I like having had that kind of wholesome existance. I'd probably talk too much in class too if I'd grown up in a hippie commune.

It's formal meal tonight. All I care about is whether the food will be decent or not. I really can't take another meal with crappy food. People know what comes out well and they still pick things that are crap. Blech.

Hopefully, though, things work out well today and I get my voice report done and it comes out well. I have the shovel sounds, since it is about people not clearing their sidewalks. I taped them out my window and they're the perfect volume, which makes me wonder what kind of acoustics are in that area. It shouldn't be that loud, but everything seems to be. If I knew anything about physics, I'd have to check it out.
© lily keller 2001

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