March 12, 2001
It's done. Finally. Things are back. I finished this and it looks as good as could be expected.

I'm trying to sort out tax things, job things (like travel plans to get to my job, and figuring out how I'm going to be able to fax things back and forth). It's complicated. Isn't it always? But I'm really looking forward to school being over with. I'd like to have just a job and not a job and school. It's a little easier in some ways.

Still trying to watch films for my classes. And instead of doing work tonight- like I should be - I'm going to see my friend's band. Yeah, productive. But I won't have time next week because I really will have to buckle down and write papers. All kinds of papers. And the semisonic CD comes out tomorrow so I'm going to take a trip to pick that up. I'm excited about it. I've been waiting for it. I always wait for CDs since what I want is always from some band I've already heard about. I never here about new bands anymore. Unless they suck.

Last night I got an email from Peter. I haven't heard from him since the beginning of September. We were both busy and such. The usual excuses. But he just thought of me and emailed me. He wouldn't say (at least not so far) why he thought of me, but it's cool. I can't say I missed him but I like being back in touch with him. It's funny how we connect about four weeks before I leave again for the summer. I guess I'll see what happens.
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