March 15, 2001

Phil's been in touch, but just last night. He's as busy as I am at the beginning of the week. And this week has been busy. I had classes, editing, all kinds of stuff. Last night I was crazed. I put ice cubes down people's backs at dinner, and give Chris a wet willy. It wasn't the nicest thing to do, but I was in one of those silly moods where I just do things completely spontaneously.

Because I was acting so silly, we went for a wander and we walked 5 km or something, across a bridge (Chris and Jimmy had to hold my hands because I'm terrified of bridges. It was fine when we were walking, but when we stopped it shook and it was horrible!), down to this weird monument with a broken prop from some ship, back across on the ferry and then for coffee before we came back and watched "Au Bout du Souffle." It was a weird movie. It ends "Qu'est que c'est, une degalasse?" Which means, "what's a little bitch?" The girl in the film didn't speak much French. She killed her lover by turning him in. She probably did deserve to be called that. She couldn't sleep with the guy because she'd slept with too many other men. I sort of understand that - the insecurity, but still. It's a bizarre gangster film.

I'm not sure what's going to happen with this Phil thing. I still don't know why he was suddenly thinking about me after months. Maybe he's broken up with the girl he started seeing in the summer and he misses me. I mean, I did consider seeing him over the summer but the idea never panned out. Then I was busy with school and other parts of my life.

I guess I'll see what happens. I should tell him I'm going away for the summer in less than a month. I don't know how he'll react to that.
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