May 13, 2001

Well, I got an email from Phil and he says, "Where's your dog collar?"

Hrmph... But he's right. If I'm going to go to more of the goth nights next year, I should get one. I'll check around, see what I can find. If I get to Ottawa, (I really want to go) I'll have to go looking around for these kinds of things. Like a black vinyl skirt. I tried on pleather pants a couple of times and I could never find a pair cheap enough for me that fit. I'll just have to look again.

I've been updating things around my site a little. I realize I have a lot more to do before I finish before I go away for the summer. I have to update collabs, put up poems, and just generally make sure everything is shipshape before I head off to the lands of limited email access. And having to deal with building things off the tripod page. Errr...

If I weren't too lazy to move again...

Oh, uglylovebug (who's nickname is completely okay with her. She calls me sweetcheeks and I call her that) wrote me a nice email and told me all about what's going on there. I miss her. I wish I could see all of the people who graduated again. Sigh... At least uglylovebug is going to be in the vicinity of the U for a while. I'll probably still see her all the time next year. Or at least at happy hour. I forgot that she knew who Sven and Cricket are (she was there!) and told her again. Stupid me. I forget these things all the time. She was excellent about keeping her mouth shut. Good for her! Sven and Cricket will be writing a sequel to the infamous fairytale about poor Chris. Poo on you who don't know who they are. Or who uglylovebug is. If I told you, I'd have to kill you, as the cliche goes.
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