April 14, 2001

I have no idea what I'd intended to write. Well, Chris emailed me and was friendly and pleasant. I'm tempted to take photos of my house with the digital camera and email them to him just to email them to him. I could take photos of the ceiling in my room - proof of where it all began. Hmm... maybe I'll go hijack that camera now. And send it to everyone. Just to be annoying. "This is my ceiling, just so you know I'm not feeling deprived away from residence. I would send a photo of my brother, but he's never home. He just sleeps and showers here (using all the hot water)."

Things are pretty dull. Chris did write back, and nicely, but Jimmy denies that he was angry with me. Denies it! Like he didn't ignore me and hang up on me on ICQ or call me a bitch! Whatever. He's going to be a politician when he grows up. He claims he doesn't recall those events. And he says he's not one to make mountains out of molehills. Right, Jimmy the hissyfit boy. Right.

Phil sends me nice emails. I really do wonder if he's in love with me. I don't think he is. I know now after our "date" last weekend that I don't have feelings for him. I am a grownup, afterall. I stopped getting ridiculous all-consuming crushes on people last year. :p

Oh well. I guess I'm not quite to adulthood yet. Maybe that's a blessing. I still dig my toons - Powerpuff Girls, here I come. And I watched the Fraggles this morning. Yay for repeat Muppets.
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