January 17, 2001 - Good for information

So, I don't think Jeff likes me. Though apparently I'll be useful for information. I have this head for useless facts. Like this: we were having a conversation over dinner about how people stick out of crowds (I'm the invisible girl, but I'm the exception to the rule) and the "Hunchback of Notre Campus" came up. Well, Jimmy is describing him so other people will know who he is and I'm like, "That's Andrew. He's a French-Political Science major and in Canadian Studies. He's from New Brunswick and his dad owns an A&W. He lives four streets over and is allergic to everything, including peanuts and chocolate." So I overdid it a little, but the point was that I knew damn well who the guy was and that he happens to be a person, not just a hunchback. So today Jeff was telling me he was looking to do a story about the guy who got caught last year downloading child pornography but more on how the university monitors the computers. I told Jeff who to call, who to talk to at computer systems and the names of people who's connections had been monitored in different ways - email and bandwidth. And I gave him the guy who had the porn's name that he went by and the name they published in the paper. So, yeah, I am a fountain of information. I know everyone!

Anyway, other than that, my mole was given a four to six week stay of execution. The very kind plastic surgeon said he's taking the mole off my hand solely because if it ever did become cancerous, they'd have to remove my pinky finger too. I like my pinky finger more than I like this mole. I need it to shift when I'm typing.

Oh well, I guess my sympathy bid from massive bandages will be delayed a few days.

My mom sent me a "Grow A Boyfriend". If my life were a movie, it would turn into a real and perfect boy. However, I am quite grounded in reality (though I think I should quit journalism and be an interior designer) and therefore realize this boyfriend won't make a good date to the ball. He'll be like every guy - slimey. Blech.

I went and had a wander around "THE NEW ACADEMIC BUILDING". Apparently, the name is top secret until Friday. Oh well. I went in, marvelled at the bee-U-tee-full colours on the walls. It's very art deco, in contrast to the outside, which is... well, it's not art deco. But the lecture hall is PINK. And not just pink, but the colour of the background, just slightly lighter. It's disturbing. I would have gone something with an undertone other than blue - like a light coral, or a teracotta pink. It's not my favourite colour. The other rooms are great - cornflower blue for the lounge, a deep vermillion for the smaller lecture hall, yellow for the seminar rooms, green for the other rooms - it's nice. And the floors are blue and orange, which is nice.

I put my slinky down the stairs. In all likelyhood, I was the first person to try a slinky. It was just something I did for me. Something that I can remember now that I am never going to have lecture in there. Chris thought that was weird, but it's my memory, right?
© lily keller 2001

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