February 18, 2001 - business

I'm using my brother's computer while I'm at home so I feel a necessity to make things quick today because I really don't need my brother to read my webpage. Really.

Today's business involves this: sign my guestbook. So far the only entry involves a reference to something that has nothing to do with me and I wonder if it was meant for my guestbook at all. So sign my guestbook and write something.

My brother is better. I think I've mentioned that before.

Read thorfinn's web journal about his roommate! It's a chronicle of the disgusting situation of his roommate (who is capable of speaking with five bites of food in his mouth. I will not complain about my brother's minor infractions ever again. the guy chews with his mouth wide open. And food falls out! I want to vomit!) and his roommate's girlfriend. Icky. Read it here. It's pretty funny.

I think that's all for now. I'll try to write more while there are fewer people hanging about the computer.
© lily keller 2001
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