April 18, 2001

I went shopping with my mom yesterday. I got a new skirt, and a couple of shirts to add to my summer work wardrobe. I keep buying cotton, cotton, cotton because Quebec is going to be stinking hot and I need things that breathe.

I don't think I like the idea of spending the summer away from my ocean. :(

While we were shopping, we decided to hit the grocery store as well. Mom decided to make stir-fry so she sent me off in search of spring rolls. I was absorbed in the brightly coloured boxes in the freezer when I heard a cart getting suspiciously louder. When I looked up, an old man in a bright red jacket was running his cart right at me, grinning like a fool. I jumped out of the way, rolled my eyes, grabbed the spring rolls and caught up to my mom. Later, I backtracked again to get a bottle of juice. On my way back to the vegetables, where my mom was feeling peppers, the old man ran his cart at me again! This time, though, I saw him. He was wearing a Luxor temple jacket. Eek! And so I stepped out of the way, rolled my eyes and found my mom.

Since when do I attract old men? Since when is hitting people with a cart a mating ritual? Since when do I send off signals that I want to be hit with a cart? Well?

And then, to boot, I had a weird dream this morning. I was trying to get to the B&B in Quebec, and I was walking through the town, trying to find the address. And I remembered it in my sleep. So weird. Anyway, the town is full of people and I see people I know. A guy who used to work at the pool, a kid I went to elementary school with, and then Chris and Jimmy. I find the B&B, which is huge and fuschia, and go in. The little old lady gives me my key and I go back outside, still carrying my bags - my backpack and a paper bag containing a prescription, I think. Everyone is waiting for me, and they won't leave. I'm trying to find my parents, who have the rest of my stuff, and move into my room - which is burgundy and pink and leads to a veranda, like the woman who owns it told me in real life, but the veranda is filled with toys. I wake up before I figure out how to get rid of them, and the dream ends with me telling them all to shut up because they're disturbing the other guests in the B&B and I'm going to get kicked out before my first night.

Yeah, that's right. I have strange dreams. And I woke up feeling crappy - stuffed up and swollen. My sinuses are unhappy and because of that, one eye is swollen. Guess I'm not going anywhere today.
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