April 17, 2001

Last night on Buffy, the demon Dawn and Spike went to to learn about resurrection was humming the theme from Peter and the Wolf. It's proof! Proof! Thelma, Louise and I were right. Guys are dorks because they have songs in their heads that block all focussed thoughts and so all they can think about is sex. And it is Peter and the Wolf!! We were right. Thank you Joss Whedon!

Anyway, I'm losing my mind.

I went out and was social yesterday. Lisa and I went to the mall to look at shoes to go with her prom dress, and then we met D for coffee in the market. It was good. I enjoy being out and talking to them, getting the gossip. In some ways I'm a little disjointed from all of it. I don't go to high school anymore. But they're still my friends. It's just too bad they're going to be in school the entire time I'm home.

I'll just have to make the most of what time I have, I guess.
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