January 26, 2001 - Sleep deprivation=weird dreams

I had the oddest dream last night. It was a recurring dream, but a continuation. The dream was in the same place, but it was like a second visit. I had dreamt last week that I'd been in this large room that simulated situations, much like the Danger Room in the X-Men comics. Anyway, it was like being high and hallucinating. There was me and another guy, an annoying clown who kept tattling to the Big Brother figure, and a couple of other people who were insignificant. All I wanted was out because I didn't really understand what was happening. This time, though, I was dreaming that my poetry class was there and our prof was the evil figure. The point was to write poetry about the weird experience. And it was weird - I dreamt I was riding an irridescent horse (which turned out to be a unicorn). There was a naked man riding the horse and I was supposed to jump on the back, but the horse was suspended in the air. When I finally got on, I was sitting against the naked man, who I knew but couldn't identify, but I rarely dream specifically about people I know. I put my arms around his waist and was giving him a hand job. But he kept sliding off the unicorn. I wasn't having a problem staying on at all. Of course, now I'm wondering if my subconscious thinks I got my purity back since you can't touch a unicorn unless you're pure of heart and "innocent". Hmm... does that grow back?

I escaped the evil drugged room, but went back to prove that I was stronger. I was writing the entire time as a mechanism of defence and when I came back they tried to take my papers away from me.

I do have weird recurring dreams. Years ago I had a recurring dream about tigers and Jim Morrison in a temple. Now I'm thinking maybe I was having a psychic dream about David (since I'm terrible with dreaming and getting deja-vous later). That's probably looking too hard with my hindsight, but it's an interesting thought. Someday maybe I'll meet a guy who rides unicorns but can't stay on....

Um, I don't think so.

Oh, by the way, five days and counting until I lose my mole. I hope I can find someone who can go to the hospital with me. I got a letter yesterday with the info, and I had to get a make-up assignment for broadcast because I'm supposed to go to a news conference. Darn it. Oh well. Five days!
© lily keller 2001

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