May 26, 2001

I know, I know. I haven't been writing. The thing is, for all my thinking and planning, I didn't end things once and for all with David. I didn't come to some big conclusion that he and I were really meant to be friends or anything along those lines. That would have taken a good solid brain rattling knock to the head. I just couldn't do it. In typical fashion, I forgot to get cash. So we walked into Tim's and I said, "I just remembered I don't have any cash." Like every time we went out when we were dating. So I felt a little bad that he paid for my tea.

We sat down and talked and it just didn't come out. I guess there's no point in ending it. I'll just let it go and not call him. If he doesn't have a way of getting me on the telephone, which he won't for the summer, he can't call. And come fall he won't have my number. Or at least he won't think to call the same number and ask for my extension number. I think. I hope. I can't count on it, but I don't have to talk to him. That's what it comes down to. I don't need to say goodbye. The other night was my goodbye to him, whether he knows it or not.

Jan's going to kill David, though. And then she's going to kill her husband. Her husband's band will be releasing their third album this summer. There will be a release party. David will want to go because he's a big fan (the first album came out when I was in first year). He called Jan's husband just to chat. The man offered to let David stay with them. Which means David and his girlfriend. Jan doesn't really like either of them. Interesting. Plus, she feels weird about having someone known to them solely because he was once my boyfriend staying at their house. Yeah, I can see that.

I don't think she knows. I plan on calling her tonight and telling her what her husband said. It should be funny.

It's a good thing they have a strong marriage.
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