May 27, 2001

Dear everyone on the list in my address book,
This is a reminder for all of you that I do like to get email. I don't care if it's two lines to say hi and that you're still alive. I feel like everyone's either ignoring my emails or that the internet has been eating them. If I could figure out how to get read receipts out of my email account, I'd know better.
What I'd like from all of you is to have you write to me, just a couple of lines. Here are some appropriate topics:
- Good luck at your new job.
- Don't get a sunburn.
- What does your new bike look like?
- Are you seeing anyone?
- How's the weather there?

Of course, these are only some of the numerous topics you could write on. You could ask if I've started my honours project yet, or about Buffy ending. You could tell me what's going on with you. Imagine.
Write me, damn it. Can't you tell I miss you guys?
Lily :o)

This is my entry for this months Dear X collab on the topic of reminders. Go check out the collab site!
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