March 29, 2001

Phil hasn't emailed me back after my last Titanic comment, but I don't think he's angry. We've had this argument before. Sure, he thinks it's the greatest movie and I'm holding out and never seeing it, but that's no reason to be stupid-angry with each other. I'm not angry. I just want an email.

I have yet to make any kind of move to see him. But I should. I only have 10 days. And I have a lot of things to do. I'm going out for sushi on Saturday with Luce and Beasley. I have papers, papers, papers... a final. Ick.

I was reading Puce's website and she was talking about she feels like she's moving a lot lately, in the sense of forcing herself to do things for herself and to get out and actually do things. I am trying to force myself to do things, but right now those things are tying up loose ends, which needs to be done, but doesn't feel like accomplishing anything. Maybe I should get a hold of Phil and try to get together with him. It would be nice to be able to do that.

I'm thinking once I get to my summer job (the funding came through! yay!) I might feel differently. I'll be living in a new place, with new people and a new job. I'm going to try to take up biking again and I'll probably get a tan, which means I won't spend the winter as a vampire. Plus, I can get in some hiking and day trips around the area to see the sights. It should be anything but stagnant. I can hardly wait for the ten days to be up so I can move. Packing will make me feel like I'm accomplishing something, at least.
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