March 31, 2001

Phil emailed me and told me about this. A movie sort of about Jeff Buckley! Excellent. We discussed that, much better than the Titanic argument. And it was good. I love Jeff Buckley. And though Brad Pitt is not broody enough (or dark haired, or dark eyed, or cute enough in a grungy way) it could be cool. I think Johnny Depp would make a better Jeff. But that's just me.

Did I mention I also completely adore Johnny Depp?

But I can't see if there's any other news of Phil because my email is down. Errr... I hate it when I can't get my email. And I'm expecting an email from a prof to send back ASAP. And I can't send back ASAP if my email is not working! Errr...

Going out for Sushi tonight. Spent the afternoon watching Buffy with Luce while she read my paper. She likes it! She really likes it!

Dice, if you're reading this, ooh... I'll get you!

Actually, I won't. Just exercise some discretion, kay?
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