May 31, 2001

Had lunch with my mom and my aunt today. I thought I wasn't invited, but this morning my mother decided it was okay for me to go because I sulked. I wasn't sulking. I was highly aware that she was sulking at having to take me because, as she said, "You go out for lunch with your friends." Which I do. Saturday I had lunch with a friend, actually, and sometimes we even eat dinner. See, Mom has no friends of her own, really, and so she's stuck with my father's friends. Most of them are nice enough, and some of them are really great people. But my mom has no girlfriends. It's pathetic, actually. Who's going to shop with my mom when I'm gone?

I had resigned myself to not going last night, but I guess she decided I was going to go. It was nice. My aunt goes to movies, and my mom hasn't been to a theatre in forever, which I don't understand. There are movies she'd like to see, and yes, movies are expensive, but it's nice to go and sit in a theatre and watch things on huge screens. I mean, I went to see Fantasia 2000 at the Imax theatre - it was worth it solely for the HUGE screen.

Oh well. Sometimes I don't get my mom. I don't want to end up with no girlfriends like her when I'm old. I think it's a good reason to work in the magazine industry. Fashion magazines are like instant girlfriendhood. Sweet, heady stuff that.

Not much else is new. I got my first loan, ever. It's worse than a credit card solely because it's a loan. It's a line of credit, which is different than a loan, but it's something I have to pay back with interest. Which means it's an adult thing. Eek. Speaking of that, where the heck is my credit card statement? I need to pay that off. Shit. I hope they got the address right on my statement. Maybe I should check.

Add that to the list of things I have to do this week before I leave. I leave in just over a week, and I have to finish sewing (I hate sewing!) my medieval garb. Yes, I have two medieval outfits. That probably makes me a freak. Oh well. I'm going to add more items soon. I have material my aunt brought me from Saudi Arabia that is destined to be a very fancy bodice for my outfit. It's going to be nice, since I already have a skirt that matches the colour of the bodice fabric. Thank goodness. I don't have money for more material. I'd like to make a jacket as well, but I don't know if that's going to happen or not. I hate setting armholes. I don't think the jacket will happen.

Oh, yeah, that David thing. I called Jan and told her what David told me: Jan's husband invited David to stay at their place for the CD release party for the band. Jan was like, "What?!?!?!" She says, to me, "Just a sec." and then she's yelling at her husband, who's trying to explain that he may have accidentally inplied an invitation, but he didn't mean it. I can believe that because David does take polite chatter as invitations. He came to visit me after we broke up, didn't he? I didn't really want him to sleep on my floor (especially not naked - couldn't keep his stupid pyjamas on). So Jan and her husband are fine, but she's told him not to make suggestions to David to stay if he should call because Jan does not like David. Which I don't think he understands. But I'm not going to talk to him, so I guess it doesn't matter what I think. Or what he understands. Jan has been trying to cut them (David and his dog-faced girlfriend - which isn't my description, but a friend's, though I will admit she has no boobs. I find this odd because David is completely boob-obsessed, like most men.) out of her life, mostly because she finds them annoying, especially as a pair, but the resounding reason for not wanting them around is this: she only knows David because he and I used to date (emphasis on the past tense there) and she thinks it's really really really weird that he still hangs around, especially bringing along the new girl, who has no relationship to either Jan or her husband. I agree. I don't have anything in common with him anymore, and Jan and David never had anything in common except me and I am missing from his life. Jan's husband and David talk music, but that's all they have in common. If that's all it takes to be friends, then all musicians would be friends. And just look at the rivalry between Oasis and Blur to see that it's just not the case.

Sorry for the ramble. It's just all coming out again and again because I'm so fed up with David's recurring unwanted appearances in my life.

At least there's a bank in the town I'm moving to. That's reassuring. It's not either of my banks (yes, I go to two, and it's not because I want to) but it's a bank, and probably one that will let me make deposits to at least one of my accounts. Phew.

Oh a sidenote for you Americans - Canadians have chartered banks. There are five major ones with country-wide branches, which is why it's a little distressing that there isn't one of my bank where I'm going to be this summer. This nation-wide banking thing is the reason why we've had interac for years and years, since before I was in high school and I'm in third year university, and it's accepted almost everywhere, including little fruit stands in the market here and McDonald's, while from what I understand it's just getting to be a big thing there, and it's mostly credit card "chequing" cards that are widely in use. Interac here is direct payment from your regular bank account. *shrug* It's a living.

Woo, I was feeling talkative today. I think it's because Phil hasn't been emailing me. Sigh... I miss his movie chatter.
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