What's this?

It's a weblog, a journal. That's the obvious part.

I started doing this because I wanted to share. What I'm not sure. Sharing, despite all the emphasis on it in kindergarten, can get you in trouble. Some kinds of sharing aren't encouraged. This type is discouraged. Why? I don't know. Why does the internet exist at all? Why do people post opinions, fan sites, businesses and porn and think its bad to post daily life? I don't understand. I don't expect you to.

This is the journal of lily, me. I sometimes wonder who I am at all anymore. Content with what I am. (Put the emphasis on either syllable - I think I meant both) I think identity is sometimes so dynamic that pinpointing identity is like identifying an atom. The moment you gets its position, the velocity changes. The moment you get the velocity, the position changes. (It's that uncertainty principle, the real name of which I can't remember. My memory for chemistry is terrible.) Probably better to read the stuff and see who I am. It makes more sense in the long run than anything I could write about myself right now.
Šlily keller 2001

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By the way, if you were looking for more information about me: here. This is a decent description of me through some of the crap that goes on in my head.