Smeared scarlet lip gloss.
Back of the head matted with knots
Sore thighs and running thoughts.
Sex is overrated.
Moments of euphoria.
Overrun by months of regrets.
A connection that has been disabled.
A battery that will never be recharged.
Smudged black eyeliner
And flushed cheeks.
Naked bodies covered by thin sheets.
Sex is overrated.
Moments of weakness
Driven by a depthless lust.
Something once new and exciting,
How quickly it begins to rust.
Hollow embraces
Empty bottles and tear stained pillowcases.
A broken body bandaged by a thick shame.
Sex is overrated.
A poem that holds no meaning.
A blind person claiming he's "seeing"
A song that has no chorus.
A relationship that holds nothing for us.
Dont tell me you love me.
Sex is overrated.
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