Lie to me.
Let each conniving word
Exit your mouth carefully
So that they hit me hard.
Leave me breathless.
Let me fall into you.
I'll fall so irrationally.
Deep into a fake security.
Tell me your love is real.
So I can encounter the sparkle.
The sparkle of the stars at midnight
That are reflected in your eyes.
Kiss me twice, your eyes shut so very tight.
So I can feel the wispiness of each billowy cloud
As I am sent diving through the summer sky.
Feed me each intricate lie.
Let me live in this re-called fairytale.
And when you grow tired,
And long for a new taste,
Dispose of your silly possession.
Lie to me one last time.
What line will it be?
"It's not you, this is my fault."
"I think we'll make better friends."
"The good times don't have to end."
For once have the decency
To tell me the god damn truth.
Tell me it was all a lie.
Let each painful truth
Hit me hard.
Don't attempt to ease the pain
Of someone with such folly.
I deserve it.
Love should hurt.
Let me fall hard,
Hard against the pavement.
So I can encounter the taste of blood between my teeth
And the pounding of a broken heart.
Leave me broken there.
So I can let the love
Slowly bleed away.
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