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The only required members for this ceremony are the Priest conducting the ceremony, a Knight of Ceremony and the celebrant. The ceremony may be public or private as no Inner Mysteries are revealed through it. The celebrant is to be brought naked to the Priest conducting the ceremony and to kneel before the Priest throughout the ceremony. The Knight of Ceremony stands behind and to the right of the Priest.

Any others present during the ceremony are to be silent.

The Priest, Knight and celebrant are to begin by speaking their portion of the Litany of Purpose in the order given. If the celebrant is not Teir'dal, there is no portion to be spoken by them. The ceremony then follows as given below.


Priest: Today we bring one before the Father who has seen the Truth, in the Darkness. One who denies the falseness of freewill, understanding it for the lie it is. Today, this one denies any claim to their own will, accepting the One True Will as supreme.

Priest: name of the celebrant, do your recognize yourself as a tool of the Father? Born to spread His Hate and vengeance through no act of your own, but rather as an extension of His Will?

Celebrant: I have no will. My Will is His Will.

Priest: Do you renounce the power of the false gods, accepting only Innoruuk as the source of all?

Celebrant: No power exists but His power, Innoruuk is supreme.

Priest: Do you renounce your life in His Service, willing to die if necessary in His Vengeance?

Celebrant: The Will is all. There is no life without the Will; death is no excuse for failure.

Priest: Arise Will of Innoruuk. Arise sanctified in your Purpose. Arise to fulfill the Father's Vengeance and spread His Hatred to all.

The celebrant stands after receiving the Trefoil of Hate, in blood on his forehead

Celebrant: I am His tool, all shall perish in His Hate.

Priest: Thus it is written, let the Will be served. Praised be to Innoruuk, Praised be the Will.


Thus ends the Lesser Rite of Surrender.