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Lina Inverse

the beautiful, genius sorceress

Full Name: Lina Inverse
Also known as: Bandit-Killer
Dora-Mata (Dragon Spooker)
Enemy of All Living Things
"that flat-chested, brainless, breastless sorceress"
"the beautiful, genius sorceress Lina Inverse" (in her own mind)
Hair: long bright red tied back with a band.
Eyes: red? (or brownish hazel)
Temperment: Volital
Height: 5'2"
Age: 16?
Weight: 120 pounds
Blood Type: A
Hometown: Zefielia
* Destroyed Dragon no Kiba (Dragon's Fang) gang
* Assisted defeat of Joylock, in Mipross
* Primarily responsible for death of Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu, Lord of Darkness
* Primarily responsible for QUITE a bit of random property destruction
* Assisted defeat of Copy Rezo, Chaos-Dragon Gaav, Fibrizo the Hellmaster, Valgaav, and many many others
* Assisted in the reversal of the re-awakening of Dark Star (Slayers TRY)
* ... and MANY more things...
Black Magic : Offensive
Shamanism : Fire Magic
Voice Actress (Japanese):Hayashibara Megumi
Appearances: All Slayers episodes.
Relatives: Luna Inverse (Sister)

Darkness beyond twilight Food!! *Sigh*
Ragna Blade!! red like the blood that flows Blow away



Extra Information!!-Lina's older sister, Luna is a knight of Ceified the Dragon King, and works part time as a waitress. She and Lina have quite a rivalry going. (Rumor has it because once Lina projected a picture of Luna in the bath tub where everyone could see it!) Some interesting info (not rumors) is that she was the original idea for Slayers. She was named after the moon which the author of the novels liked. Lina Inverse was supposed to be her cloned sister. Later when the author started the series, he used Lina instead.

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