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Otaku Senshi Mini Gallery!

Dia leat!Welcome! Here's where you can find *your* otaku Senshi! Yay! So far, these are all dolls created by Cammy-san (the names under the images refer to the Senshi's creator =) ). But if you'd like to add your own Senshi, feel free to send a picture to us! =)

This little section is for otaku senshi who have just one image at the moment. Cammy-san promises she's working on more! As soon as a Senshi has at least two images, she gets her own page, with a profile and info, in the Otaku Senshi Showcase.

Hope you like them! If you'd like to request a KiSS doll of your Senshi, go here. =)

Click on the thumbnails for the full-sized image! ^_^

Here is Sailor Atlantis, an evil senshi created by Windy-chan!

Sailor Cassiopeia of the Constellation Scouts was created by Sara Haye

The ethereal Sailor Solar Angel was created by Maurae Grabeklis

This is Sailor Zodiac, the long lost sister of Princess Serenity! She was created by CTerry.

Sailor Undine, a Neo Sailor Senshi, was created by Cammy.

The angelic Sailor Tenshi was created by Angel Anderson.

Here is the Soul Senshi Sailor Freedom, created by Cammy.

Sailor Onyx, the Senshi of night (and a self-portrait Senshi!) was also created by Cammy.

The athletic Sailor Comet (she can run up to six times the speed of a human adult!) was created by Princess Mercury.

13-year-old Sailor Aquarius was created by Lynnea Wilson.

Sailor Silence, the mysterious Princess of the Silence Crystal, was created by a.n. johnson.

The firey Sailor Golden Phoenix was created by Windy-chan.

Would you like your Senshi to be in the Gallery? Send a picture here! ^-^

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