Name:Mystic Vegeta
Aim S/n:Deathofawarrior
Info:Ok incase you havent seen the splash and bookmarked this page its moved! here it is! HERE DUMBASS
Name:Mystic Vegeta
Aim S/n:IAmChibiVegeta
Info:Shit has been happening lately...Friend died,school piling work,Alot of others.......Depressed-.-.I made a layout and a splash for somebody.I did alot of work on the new site.but having second thoughts.I may move somewhere else in like 2 weeks.i will update.This site will never die unless something else comes up and something else will die.Self inflicting pain aint the key only ending the pain.Laterz
Name:Mystic Vegeta
Subject:Keeping you informed
Aim S/n:IAmChibiVegeta
Info:My new URL is... New Saiyan Blood Place. Its not finished im still working on it.Laterz.
Aim S/n:TheDarkShadow654
Info:Ok, you wanna know something about Saiyan Blood? Well to make it short it just Rules! Ok, im done NOW BOW TO YOUR PRINCE!
Name:Mystic Vegeta
Subject:New Host
Aim S/n:IAmChibiVegeta
Info:I finnaly got the host.Now is to move all the shit back to the host...This may take a while.anyway the host name is go their.Thanx Peace.
Name:)v(ajin Tenshinhan
Subject:Movie 1
Aim S/n:
Info:I uploaded movie one, and organized the movie section with a table. I dont know if Mystic Vegeta knows how to do a table yet, consdering what he did to my beutifully organized clips section *cries*. movie 5 uploading right now. I think i'll organize the clips section and episode section...make them look better. later
Name:Mystic Vegeta
Subject:Few Things
Aim S/n:IAmChibiVegeta
Info:WE Got a new affiliate called Kyutrunks.Its pretty cool and our new host.And oh yea if you want to affiliate my Email Changed.So its Laterz.
Name:)v(ajin Tenshinhan
Subject:New Music Video
Aim S/n:
Info:just finished a new music video. i've heard some really good reviews about's my first try with adobe, so Email me if you have any comments about it. im to lazy to put it in the music video section right now, so you can just click here to download. i just got a new server for my own site (dragonball nothing) since im mystic vegeta's slave, i'll be posting more movies in the future. currently, i'm in the process of uploading movie 1. if you want a specific movie, email me and tell me which one (i cant do 6 or the bardock special). also expect REAL episodes, instead of those byte size things vegeta has uploaded. and more clips will be added to the already big clip section. later dude(t)s
Name:Mystic Vegeta
Subject:New Section
Aim S/n:IAmChibiVegeta
Info:I added a new page.Paint Shop Pro tutorials for those who have psp7 and want to make more decent graphics.LAterz
Name: Vegeta
Date: 2/15/02
Subject: Anything Else Left?
AIM SN: TheDarkShadow654
Info: I don't think there's much more to add to SB myself... I dont know, Mystic Vegeta will have to think of some things... ((right)) lol latez...
Name:Mystic Vegeta
Subject:Everything Neat
Aim S/n:IAmChibiVegeta
Info:Yea i neatened out everything.Shadow...made me look bad and left my front page even neater...i also dropped a few affs.For not Updating for 3 or 4 weeks.
Name:Mystic Vegeta
Aim S/N:IAmChibiVegeta
Info:I took time to fix my splash page.It looks alot neater huh?i droped some affiliates for not updating within a 2 and 3 weeks.I also fixed The tops section.Looks alot neater.New layout coming when i fix it.Laterz
Name:Mystic Vegeta
Aim S/N:IAmChibiVegeta
Info:Damn Peice of Horse shit cable modem.I will be getting a new one this week.IT hardly lets me update.I will try to add more alerts.if you know what i
Name:Mystic Vegeta
Subject:funny Link
Aim S/N:Iamchibivegeta
Info:Hey,i added a funny dbz stuff as DBZ ANNOYING .LOL!!!ITS FUNNY YOU GOT TO SEE IT.LMMFAO!! DBZ ANNOYING?! Click here!Im out.hope ya have a great laugh!