- PL:94,250,000 Ssj:164,330,000 Ussj:284,250,000 SSJ2:384,330,000 SSJ3:634,330,000 Oozaru:734,330,000
- Finishers:Ultimate Kamehameha,Galic Gun,Big Bang Kamehameha,Learning Ultimate Final Flash
- Normal attacks:Final Flash, big bang, kamehameha, Masenko blast,artificial moon light,solar flare,Oozaru Mouth Cannon
- Money:150,000
- Items:Sword
- S/n:DeathOfAWarrior
- Planet:Vegeta
- Race:Royal Saiyan
- Jobs:Assasin,pic finder ,gif finder
- Personal Quote:Your The one who started this game and now that your losing its no fun anymore your just a big Baby!
- Status:in love with Bulma..
- Special abilities:Instant tranmission,breath in space.
- PL:21,520,000 SSJ:91,520,000
- Finishers:Ultimate Kamehameha,
- Normal Attacks:Final Flash,kamehameha,Big Bang Attack
- Money:29,000
- Items:Weighted Cloth,
- S/N:JSid3195
- Planet:Earth
- Race:Full Saiyan
- Jobs:Pic Finder,Gif Finder,Assasin
- Status:Living In Perfect Condition
- Special Abilities:
The Great Saiyaman
- PL:101,690,000 SSJ:1,429,300 USSJ:301,690,000 SSJ2:401,293,000 SSJ3:651,590,000
- Attacks:masenko,kamehameha,eye beam,Chou kamehameha,destructo disk,Self Destruct
- Finishers:UltimateKamehameha,galic gun
- S/n:Mukconk
- Money:85,000
- Items:Saiyan Armor,Space Pod
- Jobs:Teacher,Assassin,member recruitor
- Race:Saiyan
- Status:
- Planet:earth
- Personal Quote:"The hungry monkey has become the dry ape."sadf
- Special Abilities:instant transmission,breath in space
Majin Chibi Goten
- PL:66,150,000 SSJ:136,150,000 USSJ:236,150,000
- Finisher:10x Kamehameha,Final Shine
- Normal:Kamehameha,Big Bang Attack,Special Beam Cannon,chou kamehameha
- S/N:Blackwargreymonm
- Personal Quote:I'll be ontop and i'll be the strongest even if im the weakest of them all!!!
- Money:29,000
- Items:weighted clothing,tree of might,fusion earrings
- Race:Half Saiyan
- Planet:Earth
- Jobs: teacher,assasin,pic finder
- Status:Turned Majin For power..
- Special Abilities:Kaioken
- PL:44,300,000 SSJ:114,300,000 USSJ:214,300,000
- Normal Moves:Kamehameha,self destruct,artificial moon light
- Finisher:Ultimate kamehameha
- Money:$40,000
- Job:pic finder,member recruiter,teacher
- S/n:Super Bebi af
- Race:Saiyan
- Items:Saiyan armor,Space Pod
- Personal Quote:I am The Strongest Coffee Cake In The World!!
- Status:Dead training with king kia!
- Planet:Earth
Special abilities:instant transmission
Android 18
- PL:19,700,000 SA:89,700,000
- Finisher:Super Eracer Cannon
- S/n:CrystalGuardian8
- Money:25,000
- Normal Attacks:Hells flash,Big Bang,Kamehameha
- Planet:Earth
- Items:Siayan Armor
- Jobs:assassin
- Race:android
- Status:alive
- Personal Quote:heh, just try me.....
- Special Abilities:Aborbsion
- PL:24,800,000
- Normal moves:kamehameha,big bang,solar flare
- Finisher:Hyper Hurricane
- Money:5,000
- Planet:Earth
- Items:Wieghted clothes,Dragonball Radar
- Race:Saiyan(wished from dragon balls)
- Status:chillen,has unlimited supply of christmas oreos!!
- S/n:SoraT654
- Job:Teacher
- Special Abilities:none
Majin Vegeta
- PL:43,720,000 SSJ:113,620,000 USSJ:233,220,000
SSJ2:333,220,000 Oozaru:533,620,000
- finisher:Galic Gun
- Planet:Vegeta
- Money:20,000
- Normal:Final Flash,Big bang,artificail moon light,
- Items:wieghted clothes,power gloves,power boots,upgraded space pod.
- Race:Saiyan
- S/N:ssjvegeta1314
- Jobs:assassin, thief, invetor
- Status:Training
- Personal Quote: The Sleeper Has awaken ,I am the prince of all saiyans once again!!
- Special Abilities:Breath In Space.
- PL:14,100,000 SSJ:84,100,000
- Money:25,000
- Normal:Big Bang Attack,Ki Bomb,Dynamite Kick
- Finisher:10x Kamehameha
- Item:Sword
- Race:Half saiyan
- Planet:Vegeta
- Jobs:Teacher,Inventer,Thief
- Status:king kias
- Personal Quote:It doesnt finish until its over!!!
- S/n:Drage1089
- PL:25,000,000 SSJ:95,000,000
- Normalmoves:kamehameha,masenko,burning attack,multiform
- Finishers:Spirit Bomb
- Money:$50,000
- Items:weighted cloths,rejuvination tank
- Race:Saiyan
- Planet:Earth
- Special abilities:none
- Personal Qoute:You Can be defeated freeza andi
- will be the one who defeats you.
- s/n:Druggy087
- Status:
- Jobs:
Bebi Vegeta
- PL:4,000,000
- Finishers:Final Shine
- Attacks:final flash,big bang,kamehameha
- Money:30,000
- S/n:Bebivegetajrssj
- Items:Sword
- Race:saiyan
- Status:trianing
- Personal Quote:Killin and chillen
- Planet:vegeta
- Jobs:none
- Special abilities:none
- PL:4,000,000
- Normal Moves:solar flare, eye beams, and destructo disc
- Finishers:Galic Gun
- Money:20,000
- Items:wieghted clothes
- Race:Saiyan
- Status:Alive
- Planet:Earth
- Special abilities:none
- S/N:Bluespirits1
- Personal Quote:None
Perfect Cell
- PL:21,400,000 SSA:91,400,000
- NormalMoves:kamehameha,special beam cannon,big bang,eye beams
- Finishers:Ultimate Kamehameha,thunderflash cannon,Super Eracer Cannon
- Money:35,000
- Planet:Earth
- Items:weighted clothes
- Status:
- PersonalQoute: I am the Ultimate Perfect Being. I Shall Rule all. MWAHAHAHA.
- Special Abilites:
- S/n:BiGb0Y8508
- Race:Android And a little bit of everything else.
- Jobs:pic finder,black smith,inventer
Android 16
- PL:4,000,000
- Normal attack:
- Finishers:super eraser cannon
- Money:25,000
- ITEM:wieghted clothing
- Race:android
- Planet:Earth
- Jobs:recruiter,inventer and blacksmith
- Status:Alive
- Personal Quote:none
- S/N:SSKakorot123
- Special abilities:none
- PL:4,000,000
- Money:25,000
- Normal Attacks:Big bang,special beam bomb
- Finishers:Ultimate Kamehameha
- Items:Saiyan Armor
- Status:Alive
- Planet:Vegeta
- Jobs:assassin,theif,Member recruiter
- Race:half saiyan
- Personal Quote:None
- S/n:DieHaRdFiGhTeR
- Special abilities:none
Bra Briefs
- PL:15,500,000 SSJ:85,000,000
- Money:35,000
- Normal:Final Flash,kamehameha,Destructo Disk,artifcial moon ligh
- Finisher:Final Kamehameha
- Item:Sword
- Race:Half Saiyan
- Planet:Earth
- Jobs:Member Requirter
- Status:Alive
- Personal Quote: "I am the Princess Of All Saiyans Once Again!"
- Special abilities:none
- S/n:KawaiiBraBriefs or Bchan666
Chi Chi
- PL:12,000,000
- NormalMoves:Destructo Disk,Solar Flare,Masenko
- Finishers:Final Kamehameha
- Money:15,000
- Items:weighted clothes
- Race:human
- Status:Alive
- Planet:Earth
- S/N:MelfinaKinKin
- Jobs:Teacher,Thief,Assasin
- personal quote:"If you're joking, that's CRUEL, but if you're being SARCASTIC, that's even WORSE!!"
- Special Abilities:Anger