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methods of use

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There are:
          Steam Rollers,
          Two spoons,
          Electric smoking devices.

How to Roll a Joint
If you've never done this before, practice first.

Basic shapes

1 The end "rolled shut". This makes the joint very portable, it prevents anything from falling out.

2 The end "open". Comfortable

3 Shaped like a cigarette. When you haven't got, or don't want to use much (or any) tobacco.

First roll the piece of thick paper (about 1,5x6cm) into a tight mouth-piece. Using this mouth-piece has a few advantages: The joint can be smoked completely, up to the paper and it will be easier to construct.
Then, lay out the cigarette-paper, flat, glue-side up and away from you. Lay the mouth-piece on one side and spread the tobacco evenly onto the paper Now take your crumbled hash or cut marihuana and distribute it evenly on top of the tobacco Pick up the paper gently with both hands and start shaping the content (tobacco and weed) into a cigarette-shape. For this, you make a rolling motion with the joint-to-be between both your thumbs and forefingers. (easier done than said) At this point stuff may fall out, but that doesn't matter. You can put it back later.
Now it's time for the tricky part: to get the paper neatly around the content. Use the mouth-piece to "get a grip" (roll the paper into itself, around the mouthpiece, as shown in the picture). All the time keeping the paper rigid with both hands. Lick the paper and "glue" it together, starting with the mouth-piece and working your way towards the end. The wetter the better.

(you can do this with just marijuana and that is a true joint with the tobbacco it's a cigarette)
Let the joint dry for a while, then put the stuff that's fallen out into the top.

WHAT YOU'LL NEED to make a bong:

2 feet of clear plexiglass pipe, about 3 inches in diameter.
An aluminum or brass stem threaded on one end.
A bowl that matches the threads on the stem
A drill with a drill bit as big as the stem and a 1/4 inch drillbit (for making the carb hole)
Clear silicone caulk.

this should be self explanatory if you've ever seen a bong.

How to make a pipe

I suggest you just by one but you could make a crank pipe. What you need is a glass cylinder(you can get them from cigars) and a torch. Heat the bottom and blow in the end.

How to make a Steam Roller

What you need is a knife or scissors
paper towel roll
alumium foil

Cut a hole in the side of the paper towel roll and line with alumium foil(making a bowl shape). Now fill with herb. cover the end and put your mouth at the other light inhale. release hand.

Be carefull I've seen people knock themselves on there ass from this method

How to use two spoons

heat the two spoons and the crush the bud between them and inhale right above the spoons. Be carefull you can burn the hell out of your fingers and sometimes you face.

Great question I've never actualy seen anything electric other than a self lighting turntable bong(it was home made) But if you want to see one just watch a couple Cheech and Chong movies there bound to have one

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Here's another one I don't like it, but it does work