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My Marijuana Site

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Should all drugs be legalized?

Who will determine which segments of the population will have access to legalized drugs?

Will they be limited only to people over 18, 21?

Will cocaine, heroin, LSD, and PCP be made available if people request them?

Who will sell drugs, the government, private companies?

Who will be liable for damages caused by drug use, and the activities of those taking drugs?

Who will collect the revenues generated by the drug sales?

How will a black market for cheaper drugs be controlled?

Who will bear the costs to society of increased drug use?

How will absenteeism and loss of productivity be addressed by business? Who will bear the costs of lost productivity, consumers, stockholders?

 Will the local drug situation in a community dictate which drugs are sold where?

How will society care for and pay for the attendant social costs of increased drug use, including family disintegration and child neglect?

Who will bear the costs of the expansion of social service and welfare programs that may be necessary to care for increased drug addicts through drug legalization? Would taxpayers bear this expense through increased taxes, would funding for other programs such as education be reduced?

Will people still need prescriptions for currently controlled medications, such as antibiotics, if drugs are legalized?

Will legal drugs require prescriptions?

Can anyone, regardless of physical or medical conditions, purchase drugs?

How will we deal with the influx of people to the United States who will seek legal drugs?

Can we begin a legalization pilot program in your neighborhood for one year?

Should the distribution outlets be located in the already overburdened inner city?

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