Strength, divinity and immortality
Christian belief - symbol of ressurection
Several eagles flying together - peace
Eagles sitting motionless - an enemy approaching
Eagle egg eaten by two people - protection against witchcraft
Hearing the cry of an eagle - omen of death
Drinking milk from a bowl from which a ferret has drunk - cure for whooping cough
Burning fish bones - unlucky
Suddenly leaving a body who was infested - death of the host
Flea bite on the hand - a kiss or good news
Person leaping over the midsummer bonfire - riddence of fleas
Seeing a lone fox - good luck
Seeing several foxes together - bad luck
Believed to be the souls of dead children
Shiney skinned - fine weather
Dull skinned - rain
Frogspawn at the edge of a pond - storms
Touching a frog - infertility
Killing a frog - bad luck
information sources:
"Dictionary of superstitions" by David Pickering
"The encyclopedia of superstitions" by Christina Hole