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African Deities

Akongo - Supreme god of the Ngombe of the Congo

Akovodoun - Cult of the dead in Dahomey

Akuj - Supreme god of the Turkana peoples of Kenya

Amma - Supreme god of the Dogon tribe of Mali

Anansi - Originally a creation god, became the Spider culture hero and trickster

Ataokoloinona - Son of the Supreme god of Madagascar

Balubaale - Collective name for the gods of earth, death, rainbow, lightning and plague in Bagandan (ugandan) belief

Bumba - Creator god of the Bushongo people of the Congo

Cagn (I Kaggen) - ('Praying mantis') creator god of the Bushmen of south Central Africa

Chewzi - Hero gods of the Nyoro of North Uganda

Danh - Snake god of Dahomey. (Also known as Dan Ayido Hwedo - the Haitian god Dan Petro)

Dugbo - Chief god of the earth in Sierra Leone

Dxui - Creator god of the Bushmen of south Central Africa

Fa - God of destiny in Dahomey

Famien - Guinea god of fertility

Ge (Gou) - Moon god of Dahomey

Gu - God of war and smiths of the Fon in West Africa

Gunab - Hottentot god of Evil, the opposite of the good god Heitsi-Eibib

Guruhi - Evil god of Gambia

Heitsi-Eibib - Benign sourcerer god of the Hottentots

Heviosso (Xevioso) - Thunder god of Dahomey, associated with Legba

Huveane - Creator god of the Basuto people of Lesotho

Juok - Creator god of the Shilluk people of East Africa

Kaka-Guia - Bringer of dead souls to the supreme god (psychopomp). Tribes of the Volta area

Kalumba - Creator god of the Luba of Zaire

Kho-dumo-dumo - Demon of the Basuto people of Lesotho

Kokola - Guardian god of Lake Victoria

Kwammang-a - God of the Bushmen of South Central Africa

Kyala - Creator god of the Nyakyusa of South West Tanzinia

Legba - Evil genius of Dahomey

Libanza - Supreme god of the Upotos of the Congo

Lisa - Chameleon deity of Dahomey

Macardit - Demon spirit of the Dink peoples of the Sudan

Massim-Biambe - Omnipotent creator god of the Mundang people of the Congo

Mawu - Chief god of Dahomey

Muluku - Supreme god of the Macouas of Zambesi

Mulungu - Creator god of the Yao of Malawi

Mungo (Mungu) - God of the Giryama of Kenya

Nanan-Bouclou - Haitian god of herbs and medicine

'Ndriananahary - Supreme god of the Malagasy peoples of Madagascar

'Nenaunir - Storm god of the Masai of Kenya

'Ngai - Creator god of the Masai in Kenya

Ngewo-wa - Creator god of the Mende of Sierra Leone

Ngworekara - Demon king of the Fan of the Congo

Nummo - Spirit couple of the Dogon tribe of Mali

Nyambe - God of the Koko of Niagra

Nyambi (Nyambe) - High god of the Barotse of Upper Zambesi

Nyame - High god of the Twi of West Africa

Nyamia Ama - God of storms, rain and lightning of Senegal

Nyankopon (Nyankopon Kweku, Onyankopon) - Sky god of the Ashanti of Ghana

Nyasaye - God of the Maragoli people of Kenya

Nzambi - Great goddess of the Bakongo people of the Congo

Nzame - High god of the Fan people of the Congo

Obassi Osaw - High god of the Hausa of the Niger

Ogun (Ogoun) - God of Iron and Warfare of the Nago and Yoruba people of West Africa

Omumbo-Rombonga - The tree of life of the Herero Bushmen of South west Africa

Rock-Sene - God of the Serer people of Gambia

Ruwa - High god of the Djaga of Kilimanjaro

Sagabata - God of smallpox in Dahomey

Sakurabru - God of medicine, justice and retribution of the Agni people of Guinea

Shango - Storm god of the Yoruba of West africa

Unkulunkulu - High god of the Amazulu. Also known as Nkulnkulu to the Ndevele (both Zimbabwe)

Waka - Benign rain god of the Galla of Ethiopia

We - Supreme god of the Kasena of Upper Volta

Wulbari - Supreme god of the Krachi of West Africa

Wuni - Supreme god of the Dagamba people of Ghana


Adapted from 'A guide to the Gods' by Richard Carlyon

I recommend this book for much much more information on these and other deities

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