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Words of Wisdom

Page 4

Song Of The Goddess

I am eternal.
I have always been and always shall be,
My names are as numerous as yours,
As are my forms and disguises.
I have been known and venerated throughout history,
Every culture has a name for me,
I am triple in nature,
Maiden, Mother and Crone.
Although I am much more than this;
All aspects of femininity I embody.
I am a part of you.
Remember, I am always listening,
And I am always there.

Hymn To Taliesin

Wise bard and Lord of Beasts!
To you mortals come, O Shining Brow, seeking wisdom.
Twice born art thou:
In innocence, as Gwion Bach,
Then all wisdom, as Taliesin
From the womb of Cerridwen.
Seer and shape-changer.
All animals can you assume.
In flight of hawk. In sure-footed stag.
In the eyes of the owl, wisest of birds.
I see you there.
In the sound of harp and sacred song.
In the calls of all of nature,
I hear you.
By halo of gold I know you,
O Twice-born seer and wizard!

Orpheus’ Lament

O gifted musician!
Beloved of Muses,
Child of Apollo of the Lyre and Calliope of the arts,
Thy walked through life with the Fates’ hands on thy shoulder,
Casting a shadow over thy existence.
Destiny granted thee Eurydice,

Fairest of all nymphs.
Eros’ arrow linked your hearts together,
You love was meant to last a life time,
Even after death.
But the serpents venom took her from you,
Down into Hades’ realm.
All the world shared your grief,
And even the Gods wept.
So to the Underworld you travelled
Thy enchanted music bewitched Charon
And released the damned from their toments,
If only for a moment.
Queen Persephone,
Lady of Death,
Returned your Lady to you,
So moved was She by your music
That She begged Hades on your behalf.
So Eurydice’s shade was released,
She followed you through the caverns to the upper world.
Yet doubt seized your heart,
And your ignored the Lady’s warning:
‘Do not look behind you, Orpheus,
Lest Eurydice’s shade be returned to Elysia,
The Fields of the Blessed.’

And so you looked behind you,
There stood Eurydice but she was gone in a moment.
So you returned to Hades’ court and not even Koré,
Maiden of the Underworld,
Could sway Her husband once more.
Alone you returned to the Upper World,
To daylight and sunshine,
But all was despair.

Finally, after wanderings, Dionysus took pity on you,
O child of Muses,
And His Maenads ended thy life.
In memory, nightingales sang for you,
The rivers of Greece flow with the music of thy lyre.
Your soul flew to Eurydice,
To be reunited with her forever,
Thus, not even the Gods could separate thee from thy beloved.

Song Of Aradia

I am Queen of Witches,
Daughter of Day and Night.
As saviouress I came to Earth,
To free those oppressed and teach those who wished to learn
All the arts magickal.
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust,
And in the name of my Mother, Diana,
She Who Existed Before Creation,
I taught the Hidden Children of the Gods.
I gave them wisdom and ways that they could survive,
Away from the priests’ prying eyes.
Thus my Mothers children,
Daughters and Sons all,
Live and learn and love and survive against all odds.

Song Of Forever

Within us all lies the greatest of secrets,
Hidden, buried, forgotten.
Our souls sing of a place beyond all things,
Where we originate.
A place of blue-white stars and time itself spun into a spiral,
Ever twisting in on itself.
Reflected within our eyes,
That gleam of sentience that betrays the living,
Through the Windows of the Soul,
In every dragon’s roar and mermaid’s laugh,
In the eyes of the unicorn and in the heart of every pheonix,
Passed a thousand stars and in the heart of each swirling galaxy,
In the depths of every crystal and the reflection of every mirror,
There lies the secret of Forever.

Song Of Horus

I was born in the marshes of Chemis,
Hidden from Seth’s thousand eyes.
I am the falcon-headed one!
Horus, the Prince of Egypt,
And son of lonely Isis.
As a falcon I travelled to my father’s realm,
The Isles of the Blessed.
There he taught me to be a man,
And as a pheonix I returned to Earth,
To fight Seth and fulfil my destiny.
Then I was crowned King of the Two Lands,
Lord of black-soiled Kemet.
Then I took the Lady Hathor as my wife,
And our reign was one of properity.
I am Horus!
Avenger of my father.

Song Of Ishara

I am a bard and poet,
A mistress of words and the magic contained within.
Myth and legend sing within my soul,
Along with ancient stories as yet untold.
The Goddess inspires me,
Showing me Her secrets that lie hidden within myth,
A thousand guises She adopts,
And cries out to us from the distant past.
I sing of the Goddess, just as those before me have done,
In words I create masterpieces best viewed in silence,
And spin webs of mystery that reveal hidden truths.

Hymn To Morgan Le Fay

O Queen of the Isle where sacred apples grow,
O mistress of all magick, healer and sorceress,
O guide through the misty waters,
Through the Veil you pass,
A halo of stars dance around you, O Lady of Avalon,
And in your hand you hold a staff twined in three,
Crowned with your sacred fruit.
You lead the souls of the dead to the Isle of the Blessed,
To Avalon for healing before once again taking birth,
O Dark Lady dressed in flowing robes,
Thou art the Mistress of the Perfect Black.