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The Earth, mother to us all.  We eat and drink of her daily.  She provides for our health, all of our physical needs and comforts, even the stability of our economy.  Here she is lets give it up for mom!


Role In Coven:  High Priestess

Cardinal of Direction:  North

Role in Family:  Mother

Colors:  Brown Green, Black

Material Forms:  Plants, Stones, Earth, Mountain

Alter Tools:   Pentacle, Salt Dish

Attributes:  Strength, Nurturing, Motherhood, Fertility

IN Humans:  Body

Magical Aids:  Grounding, Protection, Money, Fertility, Prosperity

Stones:  Most of them

Plants:  Most of them especially green herbs

Some associated Gods:  Pan, Pesephone, Hel, Kali

Animals:  Most Mammels

Arch Angel:  Uriel