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Ignition, consumption, spiritedness, moxy, these are the words we think of when we think of fire.  It is the spark of the passion in all of us, the driving force behind all our desires.  Conversely,  it is a destroyer, a tool of consumption.    Too much of it in the world and we have a world of ashes;  too much of it in ourselves and we are empty, passionless husks, devoid of energy.  Fire enlivens our souls and ignites our passions, also a hypnotic dancer in the dark who beckons with a stern warning, stand too close and get burned.


  Role in coven:  High Priest

cardinal direction:  South

Role In Family:  father

Colors:  Red, Orange, Bright Yellow

material forms:  Fire, Volcanoes, Hearths, Mid-day Sun

Alter Tools:  Atheme, Sword, Alter Candle

Attributes:  Passion, Spiritedness, Warmth, Energy, Radiance, Light

IN Humans:  Soul

Magical aids:  Sex, Passion

Stones:  Red Jasper, Ruby, Carnelian, Obsidian, Blood Stone, Garnet

Plants:  Mustard Seed, Pepper, and most hot spices

Some Associated gods:  Aphrodite, Aries, Pan, Thor, Quetzecoatl

Animals:  Phoenix, Most Reptiles, Red birds

Arch Angel:  Michael