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ZEUS - The chief god; the god of the firmament and of storms; husband of Hera and one of the six sibling elders of the Olympians; A father god.

POSEIDON - The god of oceans and creator of horses; one of the six sibling elders; a father god.

HADES - The god of the underworld ( also called Hades ) and death; one of the six sibling elders; a wiseman god.

APOLLO - God of arts & sciences and plague; twin of Artemis, son of Zeus and the goddess Leto, a warrior god.

ARES - God of war; son of Zeus and Hera; a warrior god.

HEPHAISTOS - God of fire, smiths, masons, and invention; son of Zeus and Hera ( some say he was conceived by Hera alone ), husband of Aphrodite; a father god.

HERMES - The messenger god, also the god of thieves, shepherds, business men and all those who live by their wits, Hermes was believed to escort the recently deceased to Hades' realm; son of Zeus and the goddess Maia; a warrior god.

DIONYSUS - God of wine and ecstasy; the son of Zeus and a mortal princess, Semele; a warrior god.


HERA - Queen of the gods, a goddess of earth and of the power of nations; principle wife of Zeus; one of six sibling elders; a mother goddess.

DEMETER - Goddess of harvest and fertility; one of six sibling elders; a mother goddess.

HESTIA - Goddess of hearth, home and the protector of temple virgins; one of the six sibling elders; a maiden goddess.

APHRODITE - Goddess of love, both sexual and familial; grew from the severed penis of Auranos; wife of Hephaistos; a mother goddess.

ATHENA - Goddess of warfare and crafts; daughter Zeus and the goddess Thetis ( some say she was conceived by Zeus alone, either way she sprouted fully grown from her father's head ); a maiden goddess.

ARTEMIS - Goddess of the hunt, protector of wild places; daughter of Zeus and the goddess Leto; twin of Apollo; a maiden goddess.


Other Notable Deities


AURANOS - The personified sky; birthed from Chaos; a wiseman god.

HELIOS - The sun god; son of the Titan Hyperion, a warrior god.

PAN - God of the mountainside, of sheep, and of goats; associated with Greek phaeries; son of Hermes; a warrior god.

MORPHEUS - God of dreams; son of Hypnos the god of sleep; a wiseman god.


GAIA - Earth personified; birthed from Chaos; a mother goddess.

EUMENIDES - The furies; three crone goddesses who act in tandem to punish murderers.  The arose from the blood of Auranos when he was castrated.

THE FATES - Three goddesses who know the duration of all things especially the lives of humans and how long a god will remain in power. This knowledge is measured in thread and than woven into the Great Tapestry.  They are thought to be the daughters of Nyx, the primordial goddess of night.


   Clotho - The maiden who spins the thread.

   Lachasis - The mother who measures it.

   Atropos - The Crone who cuts the thread.

KORE / PERSEPHONE - Alternately the goddess of spring and the queen of the underworld; daughter of Zeus and Demeter; wife of Hades; as Kore she is a maiden; as Persephone she is a crone.

CELINE - Goddess of the moon, daughter of Hyperion; a mother goddess.

EOS - The goddess of dawn; daughter of Hyperion; a mother goddess.