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We are creations of emotion and wisdom.  Throughout life until the day we die we listen to our hearts, and if we don't than the heart screams to be heard.  It gives us insight and intuition.  It allows us to grieve, and than gives us the strength to let go.  This is water.


Role In Coven:  Hand Maiden

Cardinal Direction:  West

Role In Family:  Sister

Colors:  Blue, Aqua-Marine, White

Material Forms:  The sea and all bodies of water, Rain, Bodily fluids

Alter Tools:  Water dish, chalice

Attributes:  Protection, Emotion, Death, Wisdom, Birth, History

In Humans:  Heart

Magical Aids:  Protection, Reincarnation, Communing with ancestors

Stones:  Moonstone, Pearl

Plants:  Roses, Plankton, Lilies, Orchids

Some Associated Gods:  Poseidon, Aphrodite, Isis, Diana, Odin

Animals;  Most Fish, Dolphins, Whales, Otters, Beavers, Turtles

Arch Angel:  Gabriel