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Welcome to my wallpaper section. Recently, I have been *trying* to make wallpapers for my desktop. And here are the outcomes of my attempts of wallpapers, hope they look good. Remember to link me if you are going to use any wallpapers on your site, or better tell me first, but I still deserve a link! Thank you.

NOTE: Thanks VBrush, for the awesome brushes I used for my wallpapers!

The Wallpapers

Weapon of War/800x600
Comments: My first wallpaper! This one is probably used for war, or gun obbessed people, or could be used for something else I guess.

World of Desires/800x600
Comments: I like this one, pretty. ^^

Comments: A DNAngel wallpaper, featuring Dark and Daisuke. I really like this one.

Just Sisters/800x600
Comments: Ooooo, this one is my one of my favs.

Friends Forever/800x600
Comments: Bright, it has a fall feeling to it. I like it, pretty.

Lonely Pirate/800x600
Comments: I wonder if people will be able to see Ryoko...

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