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+Defenders of the Realms+



1.No hentai-All images submitted and requested must have the torso and pelvic area covered. They can have a bare mid-riff but those specific areas cannot show.

2.If there is a trademark symbol on the image whether we put it there or not, you may not remove the mark for any reason. It is our right to put it there so please show respect and leave it there.

3.If you submit fan-art please give your name and e-mail so others can contact you. If you do not wish to leave your name than simply your e-mail address will be fine.

4.To let me know you read this put 'pirates are cool' in the magic words section.

5.Please add a link to us on your site. Instead of asking for money we ask for links, not to bad eh? All we ask is that you think of putting up a link, I'm not going to hound you if you don't.

Following these helpful hints may get your request done faster… if you don't follow this advice and read the rules then I will delete your request and let you know to read the rules again.


1. PLEASE fill out the ENTIRE form!! I can't stress this enough! If you leave spots blank then we have to e-mail you to see what was supposed to be there and that slows us down!.
2. Be descriptive! If you can include images that's even better but please describe everything you can especially the gloves, those have been giving us the most problems.
3. We're doing you a favor so it would be nice to hear a thank you every now and then, either on your request form or when you get your request.
4. State your colors well! If you want a light aqua blue say that don't just say light blue or aqua blue. We want to get your request as perfect as possible.


1. Please don't be bossy. If you want your request done at all then give us time and don't hound on us. It will only take about 2-3 days to draw it and 1 day to get it to you.
2. As it says in the rules, or didn't you read them, if we have our name(s) on the request please don't remove them as our names are our trademarks.
3. Don't forget to read the rules…I know if you don't! (hint hint)


TODAY- "Things come to those who wait, but only what is left behind by those who hustle."

This layout was made by me and the images were created by me as well. Please don't take anything without permission. Sailor Moon is (c) Naoko Takeuchi and all credits go to her. All scout colors, themes, and anything dealing with them is (c) by me and any likeness to any other scout is unintentional.