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Angels and Spirit guides are spirit teachers who are guiding us on our life path.

We have chosen they work with us prior to coming down to this lifetime. We have discussed with them, the best way to go about our new life to come and how they can help us, when we may loose our path, or need extra reassurance of our soul connection. They will always be there when needed.

But we must remember, they are guides to our life, not there to take over and do the lessons for us.

They are with us 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

There are so many types of spirit guides/helpers.

ANGELS- who work with gold / white on angelic spheres

MASTER SPIRIT GUIDES-often work as teachers to our other guides, and specialise in particular energies

SPIRIT GUIDES- Have often been with us in past lives as teachers and friends, they connect with us on a more physical level, and understand our pain and joy in this life from a different perspective to that of angels and master spirit guides

STUDENT GUIDES- Sometimes have not finished their physical lessons and are learning to be guides inbetween lives. Some have finished their lives and are working with our guides as learner guides

DECEASED RELATIVES / FRIENDS- Are often with us especially if we were close to them in life. They still have their own lessons to learn and teachers, but they will be with us as long as we need them.

Guides range from student guides and recently deceased friends /family to angelic beings. But the range of inbetween guides are the ones we commonly work with.

Master guides, and ones who specialise in a particular area. Each person has their main guide and other helpers, a core team of guides who remain with us our entire life. But for specific lessons, often a few specialised beings will come in and help us, until we have completed the the lesson.

The guide structure is very complex and finely tuned to our personal lessons and challenges.

Some work on the bigger issues and others work with on the smaller ones. No issue is too insignificant.

They are wonderful beings to work with, and any one of us can call them in, anytime we wish for advice and help. Through meditation and trust, the guides can show themselves, to us on a more conscious level.

Be patient, it can take time!

copyright©Karynna Ledger 2004
site designed and created by Karynna