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Information on Vhaeraun

Clergy and Churches

Vhaeraun's Weapons

Orders and Dogma of Vhaeraun

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In the midst of darkness he stood, a well-muscled and graceful drow male, so different from all others. Handsome and slim with hair and eyes that changed with his moods, red when angered or bothered, gold when victory was acknowledged, blue with delight and amusement, and last green when curious interested or puzzled over something. Odd for a drow male for not one part of him was armored, all except for that long flowing black cape that hold a unique gift itself and the jet black long sword strapped to his side, Nightshadow. Who is he? And why was he standing before the symbol of a black half-mask? Why you ask for he owns that symbol, he is the god of thievery Vhaeraun.
Having many names such as, The Masked Lord, The Masked God of Night, The Shadow or Vhaerun. The deity of thievery and the furthering of drow interests to the surface realm only to those who are faithful to him. The only deity that is opposed by the way that Lloth's followers, mainly her priestesses treat the men as lowly, that they are nothing but mere pawns in their twisted games of treachery. He believed that men were equallly skilled and valuable as the female race. Both working together with the races of elves topside to further advance themselves under one race of beings.
A vain and haughty god this one is, but does he not have that right? A verbal warning, do not anger him for he is legendary of his grudges and how long he could hold them for he has a sharp mind never forgetting the faces of those that decepted him. Willing to accept treachery and underhanded means only if it helps him destroy his one main enemy Lloth, if directed towards one of his deciples then he shall consider it a grave sin that he will exact swift punishment

History of the Masked Lord

Vhaeraun is the son of Araushnee before she was cast out and became Lloth and Corellon Larethian, brother to the goddess Elistraee. Vhaerun was as well cast out of the Seldarine, completely banished from Arvandor like his mother and sister before him simply because he was an accomplice in his mother's plot to destroy Corellon. He holds a deep hatred for all of the Seldarine, especially one by the name Sehanine Moonbow only because the woman herself had risked much to escape his prison and unmask the culpability of the Masked Lord and Araushnee both. As well with holding deep loathing for Seldarine and Sehanine, his hatred even runs deep for his own brother Eilistraee.
Corellon had always managed to thwart Vhaeraun's efforts and plans on uniting the Ilythiiri under his wing, to keep them from Lloth and Ghaunadaur demented grasp. Out of all the gods and goddesses, the one that holds all his enmity is Lloth, the Spider Queen herself. At the current moment, Vhaeraun's strength to challenge his mother for the time is not yet right for him. For now he must work against her and her twisted clergy, working within the shadows savataging everything that Lloth herself had worked for, all in silence and secrecy. Someday he will unit the Ilythiiri, and gather their power into one to set against her. This is his quest, this is what drives him and his followers..and Vhaeraun's influence is growing at a considerable leaps and bounds.

Allies: Mask, Shar, Talona

Enemies: Cyrrollalee, Deep Duerra, Eilistraee, Ghaunadaur, Laduguer, Lloth or Lolth, the Seldarine, Sharess, Blibdoopoolp, The Blood Queen, Diinkarazan, Diirinka, Great Mother, Gzemnid, Ilsensine, Ilxendren, Laogzed, Maanzecorian (whom is dead now), Psilofyr


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